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Sultansworn Set? - Printable Version

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Sultansworn Set? - Alexis Amariyo - 03-29-2014

Hey, I'm making this thread because my main -- Alexis Taylor -- needs the chainmail set that the Sultansworn seem to be wearing around the Royal Promenade...

Can you guys tell me what gloves, boots, and chestpiece they are wearing, as well as shield and sword?

I would greatly appreciate it...

And no, the chestpiece isn't the Steel Chainmail set. =(


RE: Sultansworn Set? - Aldotsk - 03-29-2014

Unfortunately, those armors don't exist. The closest you'll see is really the tabard that you make from Weaving. Otherwise Serpent guard can be dyeable to blue and wear it. But it does suck that people can't get this armor set for RP purpose.

RE: Sultansworn Set? - Alexis Amariyo - 03-29-2014

(03-29-2014, 09:24 AM)Aldotsk Wrote: Unfortunately, those armors don't exist. The closest you'll see is really the tabard that you make from Weaving. Otherwise Serpent guard can be dyeable to blue and wear it. But it does suck that people can't get this armor set for RP purpose.
That really sucks... =/

RE: Sultansworn Set? - Xydane - 03-29-2014

Sometimes, you just have to improvise. Sorry I can't be of much help. Sad

RE: Sultansworn Set? - Oroban - 03-29-2014

I wanted one of those swords as well, but after some serious sleuthing, I come to find out that there's no gladiator-usable model in the game that matches them. Pity, because they're simple and pleasant looking. I'd gladly glamour one onto my paladin. Ah well.

RE: Sultansworn Set? - Ildur - 03-29-2014

The only part of the uniform that can be matched and dyed -exactly- as the ones the Sultansworn use are the gloves: Cobalt Vambraces. You just have to find the correct blue dye.

Otherwise, you are pretty much screwed. You can look 'kinda' like one by using either the Hempen Tabard, that has undyeable black sleeves), or the Cotton Tabard, which has undyeable black sections on the shoulders. They are pretty low level, 6 and 15 I think, so at least there's that.
The problem is the boots, though. They are sollerets, but none of the ones you can buy or get match the color and dye scheme: the sultansworn use ones with grey leather bits, whereas the playable versions all have brownish colors that not match any of the tabards, aesthetically. So you'll have to use some other type of boots instead.

Oh, and I believe the shields are in game. It's either the Iron (lvl 23) or Cobalt (lvl 43) Scutums. Or at least those are the two with the correct shape.
I never bothered with the sword, but I think the closest you can get is the Cobalt Winglet or one of the Longswords.