Hydaelyn Role-Players
The Crooked Phoenix Emporium [Open] - Printable Version

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The Crooked Phoenix Emporium [Open] - CrookedTarot - 08-10-2014

Was there ever a place like Ul'dah? Maybe--but at the moment Tarot couldn't think of any. Many cities had their greed and corruption, it was true, and during his many travels here and there, he had often come across many towns and the like that harbored their nasty little secrets and back-alley doings. But Ul'dah? No, it with it's teeming masses provided infinite possibilities because it wore its greed on its sleeve--like a pair of gaudy, jewel-studded cufflinks.

At least, that was how he saw it. Any city that so openly knew of its own corruption but did little to stop it beyond a slap on the wrist--a few fines that got passed around into the ever continuing cycle of gil and secrets that was the Jewel of the Desert--was indeed nothing more than another place to find grand opportunities.

A long, thin pipe, a kiseru as they called in in the parts he had bought it from, perched in his lips, he leaned on the counter, breathing out a thin wreath of smoke. His two-toned eyes blinked through the fine cloud, the blue shining like a sky-topaz, the left burning like copper, he smirked. A slow day...well, for now. The eyes traced along the walls of the shop. Various objects of all sorts lay strewn about in carefully chaotic order. Customers liked that sort of thing when it came to a shop like his; a treasure hunt atmosphere let them feel like there was always something new any time they came in. In truth, it was usually the same things, he just moved smaller things around on the shelves from time to time to make it feel like something had changed.

Another deep inhale and another pause before the exhale.

Ul'dah for all it's corruption, did provide him with many opportunities. The rich came to spend money they didn't need (or in some cases have), while the poor and the refugees sought reprieve from the sun and their troubles. In either case, Tarot was happy to oblige; his shop, as the sign above the door stated, had whatever anyone would need--Tarot's means of getting them were very prompt.

For the right price, of course.

The shop itself lay just beyond the Quicksand, nestled into the many warehouses right along the edge of the Pearl Lane. The perfect crossroads of rich and poor. Noble and Commoner. Yeah, he saw all types.

The interior was cramped, almost uncomfortably so. Of course it was always a good excuse when someone knocked into something and broke it; break it you buy it and all. He chuckled as he exhaled the smoke in his lungs through his nose, recalling the last clumsy fool that came into the shop. A thousand gil for a ten gil urn... The chuckled in his chest became a full, quiet laugh at the look on the Lalafel's face.

But he was getting distracted again--this shop could do that. It lived and breathed stories; antiques and items traded and pawned and cast away did that. He looked to the back wall a moment, a door that opened into his office beyond (one could presume) and the newly painted panels and shelves stuffed full of weapons, books and other things a person could, would or may not ever need.

The refuse and refugees of a thousand years... he grinned, taking another pull on his pipe and exhaling into the air towards the ceiling as he leaned his head backwards.

"Crooked Tarot's Emporium," he murmured, "Is again open for business..."

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - CrookedTarot - 08-14-2014


Laying across the counter of the shop, the bulky Midlander had draped himself, one unshod foot dangling over the front of the counter, the other propped up on the wooden surface. His left hand held a child's toy, one of those stupid little sliding puzzles that he could never quite get or figure out with any timeliness, while in his other he clinked a small pile of gil at his side over and over again. His thumb moved lazely across the sliding puzzle pieces--he knew it was a picture of a Phoenix chick--or rather, what the artist THOUGHT was a phoenix chick--and the one tile with the beak just didn't want to go into place.

The shop had been dead for nearly a week now. Money wasn't a problem--it never was. The problem was that he had no one to taunt or berate or amuse himself with at the moment. Moggie-Moglin was still gone enjoying the beginning festivities of the Moonfire Fair and Tarot was stuck manning the shop. Sure he could go and have some fun but--well, actually there was no reason beyond making sure everything stayed where it was supposed to stay. He didn't know why he hesitated to go enjoy himself. Maybe because he'd be enjoying them alone again...? Gods what he wouldn't give for a posse again. The good old days.

He tilted his head up and looked to the corner of the store. He'd come to Ul'dah quite on his own. He missed his old band--the Phoenix Talon. Vitti would always stand in the corner there, reading palms and nicking a few gil every now and then as her customers departed. Waisal would be at the front to greet people as they came in, looking them over for any kind of personal information the Phoenix could use later; oh, and then there was Azziu...dear, dear Azziu who would dig up dirt on everyone and then blackmail them later...

Wait. That wasn't right.

He blinked and sat up slightly. He never had a group like that--and he'd never known anyone by those names. The boredom was driving him mad!

"GODS! Send me SOMEONE!" he moaned dramatically, flopping back down onto the counter again.

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - Coatleque - 08-14-2014

Coatleque stepped into the shop quietly. She wore the white dress that people were now accustomed to seeing her in. Red hair tucked behind her ears below a matching beret. She held her gil purse from the top with both hands before her. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light of in-doors, she found herself surrounded by all manner of mismatched sundries.

This place was not at all what she expected from a name that began with "Crooked". Looking around she took a deep breath and slowly began meandering around items and between rows, finding it hard to maneuver in the close space. Nothing seemed suspicious to her, however. Most of it appeared as overly gaudy junk designed to make the poor feel affluent. Perhaps there was something she could use...

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - CrookedTarot - 08-14-2014

At the sound of the door, Tarot groaned, one hand over his eyes as he motioned with his free hand, "I'm not interested in hearing about your exploits, Moggie--jus' leave me be to wallow in my sorrow...!" When he didn't get interrupted by the foul-mouthed berating of the moogle almost immediately, he blinked, sat up and crossed his legs under him as he took in the sight. The oh so glorious sight.

"A customer!"

He was at her elbow in a moment, hands together, ringing them once before giving her his 'trademark' grin. "You gave me a turn! Thought you were a ghost there for a moment with all that white." Dissimilar eyes searched her a moment, assessing quickly. Bearing, dress and aloof mannerisms...she definitely was someone of some standing.


"Did you come in for something in particular, miss? Do forgive me if I seem a bit flushed--you'd think this was a plague house with the way people seem to be avoiding it!" Turning he made his way to the counter, padding along on his bare feet. "So then, what is it today? Maybe a nice new book? I've got plenty--ah but then I think now. You're more of martial type, I'd wager. Mayhaps a nice bracelet? Set with Jadedite, guaranteed to keep the Aether flowing properly. Good for the heart and blood you know..."

He kept his back to her as he rummaged around through the large trunk by the counter, grinning smugly to himself. He could have sworn he'd seen this woman in a uniform somewhere. Sultansworn, perhaps? Figures Moggie wasn't around when a woman walked in...

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - Coatleque - 08-14-2014

She almost jumped back at the speed by which he was upon her. Had she not been trained as she was, she would have surely knocked something over. She did keep her footing, however, and regarded the man curiously. He was the first merchant around these parts that hadn't shied away from her in a good two months now.

"I assure you I am no spirit, Ser." she half chuckled at him. It may have just been that his forward nature was refreshing to her, but she found herself actually more interested in his shop now. "A bracelet? That does sound lovely, but perhaps you have something of a more natural look. Perhaps amber, or amethyst? And it need not be jewelry, mind you." All the while she had found her way to a shelf and was slowly reading through the titles.

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - CrookedTarot - 08-14-2014

The books were varied and old--and largely obscure apart from the odd tome meant for an arcanist. 'Locke's Peerage', 'The Bride Book', 'The Fishmonger's Guidebook', 'The Unwanted Son', 'The King in Saffron'--largely a bunch of things that one would find in a rummage bin. Tarot's offerings were most certainly eclectic, and apart from looking nice on a shelf, they likely were forgettable.

Naturally, they were all marked with a 'Ask Owner Concerning Price' tag.

"Amber...amber...ah! Yes, I've just the thing!" He called triumphantly from his bin, turning and looking at her as he grinned. "I've a lovely broach of amber--shaped like a flower see?" he motioned, opening a small jewerly box to reveal an ordinary scarf pin. "But if you look very closely--" he continued, motioning for her to do so, "You can see there's several tiny insects there in the resin. Gives it a bit of character, I think, don't you?"

Putting this aside, he held up next an earring. It was a stud, shaped to resemble a sun. "This belonged to a lovely little woman who stopped in about a year ago. Said it belonged to HER sister who lost its mate in a shell game but swore to the heavens that it helped her aim."

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - Coatleque - 08-14-2014

She shrugged to herself and took one of the smaller, yet newer looking books. It looked like some work of fiction, which would be ideal in her mind. Turning back to the man she moved over to where he had been rummaging and examined the broach.

"I'm afraid I wouldn't feel quite right with the earring knowing its second was missing somewhere. The broach is quite lovely however. I think that should make a nice gift for my friend. She has been out of sorts lately." She tapped her chin in thought for a moment with her other hand turned upwards, holding the book to her chest.

"Very well, what would I owe you for this and the book?"

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - CrookedTarot - 08-15-2014

"Well, since this is your first time here, I could part with both for 500 gil. The book is only 100 gil, you see, while the broach is, naturally, a bit more." He gave her his smile and a nod. Honestly, he was being rather generous--comparatively speaking. Normally, it would have been more but with her being a first-time customer, it was always best to rope them in with a easy pitch at first and then nail them upon return trips. Hadn't failed him yet; though he WAS disappointed that she hadn't knocked into something. Damn training...

"Of course, if you think I'm being unreasonable, I am prepared to throw in a little something extra should you--"

"Oi, my head...ku--upo..." Tarot looked up as a moogle drifted in the door, groaning to himself. Its little paw was at its cheek (given that moogles had a hard time reaching their own pom-poms with those stubby little limbs) and its head lolled about.

"I'll throw in a free moogle today if you like..." Tarot replied, his eyebrow twitching slightly at the interruption.

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - Coatleque - 08-15-2014

She eyed him warily as he continued his sales pitch. This was nothing unexpected by her, and she intended to try and use it to her advantage. Smiling back to him she shook her head.

"I need nothing further from this current stock, but... Perhaps there is more you have not shown me?"

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - CrookedTarot - 08-15-2014

Damn. He knew this was too good to be true. She was Sultansworn and she was here to investigate him. He kept his smile as he continued to talk, but his mind flitted back to his 'backroom' door. The door did indeed lead to a backroom and counting room but it also led back to what this shop front was hiding. That being his REAL stock of not-entirely-above-board items.

Come on, don't panic, Tarot. It may not be so bad--besides, it's not like Sultansworn as some glorious paragons of virtue all the time either...

"Well to answer THAT question, I of course need you to be a bit more specific. Are we talking weapons? Magical accoutrements? I must confess, you've had me baffled by your vague shopping habits!" He added this on with a chuckle, practiced and even as he looked her over again.

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - Coatleque - 08-15-2014

"Vague shopping habits? Do you always question your customers motives, Ser?" She quirked an eyebrow at him. "My business is mine own, however I shall narrow the search for you and ask to see small arms, if you have them."

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - CrookedTarot - 08-16-2014

"Of course I do! Everyone has a motive when they enter a store--yours happens to be a need for good literature, a present to bring a friend out of the doldrums and possibly a small means to defend yourself." Tarot had played this game before and with far more dangerous people. "The fact is, if you don't tell me what you want, what you really want, I can't do my job. So naturally, I will always ask what the motives of someone entering into my shop are about--now, what they're motives are after they leave is an entirely different matter." Dissimilar eyes focused in a bemused but dangerous smile, and for a moment, there was the tension of two sizing up one another--at least from Tarot's perspective there was.

There was a mumbled 'Kupo...!' from the corner behind the counter, breaking the tension.

"Heh, well, if you're looking for small arms, I can provide you with that as well. I have several choice daggers and short swords if that's to your liking." Again returning to the counter, he reached beneath and drew out a long case. Glass lid was lifted and contents were exposed as the merchant snickered. "All for decorative or ceremonial purposes, of course." He winked slightly, his topaz-gold eye flashing with a touch of mischief and greed. "Please. Peruse at your leisure."

As he left her to it, he turned and pick up his pipe, packing the tiny bowl with a bit of leaf before lighting it and leaning against the back wall to watch his customer make her inspection of the offered armaments. The weapons did rang from ceremonial pieces all the way to enchanted blades--the collection was a small one, obviously, but fine enough for any given adventurer to find a use for at least one of the weapons present. Taking a puff and exhaling, he watched her through the smoke...

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - Coatleque - 08-17-2014

Coatleque perused over the selection of daggers and short swords, examining each one without physically touching them. She had dealt with these types of blades long enough to know what she was looking for. Nothing here would cut in quite a way synonymous with the injuries she had seen those few days beforehand.

While it was true that some of the blades were ceremonial, many of them were quite fully functional. Some had traces of enhanced material makes. It was quite apparent the man hadn't properly appraised the items before mixing them all together in his display case.

She stood up straight again when finished and threw a glance towards the back wall. Had she been a Brass Blade she would have pressed the issue further, however confiscation of illegal good was not her primary job description. Turning back to the man she spoke up. "I presume you have the proper permits to carry aetherically enhanced weapons, Master..." She waited for him to reveal his name.

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - CrookedTarot - 08-17-2014

"I'd be a poor merchant indeed if I didn't!" He playfully scoffed at this, putting up a great show of pretending to be offended. "Moggie! Moggie, wake up now!" He looked down below the counter, nudging something (presumably the moogle) with his foot. "Would you do me a favor and get those copies of our licenses from the safe for the nice lady here to see?"

Turning his face back again, he handed her a huge grin (one that was even vaguely sincere!) before continuing. "I wouldn't go to all the trouble of gathering and collecting these up from the various holes, hollows and hell-hollows of Eorzea if I didn't!"

RE: Crooked Tarot's Emporium [Open] - Coatleque - 08-17-2014

She waited another moment then rolled her eyes with a tilt of her head. "I assume you are Mater Tarot, based on your sign board. No need to fetch me anything, as I am not here on official business." All the time she began counting out what she owed the man.

She handed him the five hundred gil without further word. As a Paladin, she would not stoop to haggling, but took his listed price as his word. If he was trying to swindle her, it would be on his conscience, not hers.

"Her Grace thanks you for your cooperation, Ser, and I for the broach. If there is nothing further, I shall be on my way."