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Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Printable Version

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Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Whittledown - 08-20-2014

Hello! Obsidian Hornet here with a question for my fellow RPers out there. To preface this though, let me tell you a little about myself.

I've been RPing for a loooooooong time. This isn't meant as a brag, but meant to state that what I'm about to put forth is a way of being that has 20 years or so of weight behind it. And that thing is, I am a 'Reactive' RPer.

Personal definition time!

Reactive to me, in an RP sense, means that my characters going back to my first time RPing in AD&D games with my brother have never been the drivers of a plot. They've never taken the reigns and pushed things forward. Their roles have been support. To react to what is going on around them and provide assistance to those who are driving the plot.

Active RP then naturally means that a person is actively driving plot. They are the one behind the wheel. They do the things that push the story forward while people like myself are in a role of support and advice.

The point of this is not to say that it is better to be Active than Reactive in an RP sense (as I've defined it). Both Active and Reactive RPers are vital to plot. Without Reactive RPers Active RPers would be working in a vacuum. And without Active RPers Reactive RPers wouldn't have much to react to. We need both.

We now come to the whole point of why I am writing this. I have been a Reactive RPer. I want to try to push and become an Active RPer.

Obsidian Hornet is my girl. My heart and soul in this game. Love her to pieces. But I've been feeling stale the last couple of weeks or so. She has some wonderful moments on the horizon (looking at you Gharen Wolfsong Heart ) but most of the plots she was involved in have wound down. She has her interpersonal RP with other characters and those are all wonderful but I feel like I can do something bigger with her.

But my question is, how do I plot? I have a few ideas, seeds really, but I don't know how to implement them. I am terrified of appearing self-centered or like I want to make Hornet the center of attention. How do you balance that? How would a plot that involves some shadow from Hornet's past coming back to make trouble NOT make Hornet seem like a special snowflake?

Reaching out to you here, hoping for some advice.

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Berrod Armstrong - 08-20-2014

*sobs in a corner*

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Unnamed Mercenary - 08-20-2014


I'd take it a step further and say I'm a pretty reactive person even with conversation. 

Plotting is quite different from reacting, but I think at the end of the day, with the right people, the plots will kind of run themselves. It ultimately depends on where you want to start, and planning for maybe a main path, with some deviations should the RP go along that direction.

As a fellow reactive trying to be active [more], I'd love to help out with any plots, or even plotting. A little conflict can go a long way. I'm sure Franz would divert a lot of attention to Hornet if she called on him for support.

As for special snowflake, it's HER story. Be a little special~ If you're worried that it's getting too big, I'm sure the other people RPing will be able to help accommodate for it, or can help hash it out.

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Coatleque - 08-20-2014

I wish I could give some advice, but I'm in the same corner as you. I like playing as the side character that others want to invite in to fill a specific role. I have ideas of my own but have trouble executing them to my liking. So I just drift in between plotlines and fill in the gaps with Tavern RP and random Paladin stuff.

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Nebbs - 08-20-2014

Miss Hornet, there is much that could be said on this but I will offer one view. Work out what you like best from those who are the Active RPers, even note it down, and then make that your goal. Do for others as you want them to do for you.

You may find that there are some differences. here are some basic ones I think such as:

Active - has an idea where things will go or how things relate "cause & effect"
Reactive - responds to what is there with an intent to cause progression

Active - speaks little, adds in information and description
Reactive - speaks a lot, proposes ideas, examines the information available

Active - adapts the consequences to fit the actions occurring
Reactive - responds to things after they happen

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Dogberry - 08-20-2014

I've found the key to getting a plot running is to get really excited about it, and the best way to do that is to find someone to talk to about it. Find someone you can trust not to reveal anything, tell them about your ideas, and listen to their input. I find that kind of collaboration gets me really pumped about running plots.

In the case of the plot I'm running now, I've combined the ambitions of my character with the ambitions of Stormwind's character, to come together for a common purpose. He and I talk about the plot quite a bit. It's also useful to have someone else to help run the plot, because managing it on your own is a tough job. Who better to help out than someone just as invested in the plot as you are?

Likeminded people are the key, at least for me. I've always felt, even around the tabletop, that good RP is like improvisational jazz. You all pick a key and lay your own track down in harmony with everyone else.

You wanna make some Jazz, Hornet, I play a mean bass.

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Kage - 08-20-2014

I figure myself to be a reactive RPer.

In my case, I've gotten help from people who I see driving plots, or those Active RPers to help push some ideas re: Kage's first initiation into the Sultansworn and his transformation from Lala to Miqo.

And really, what Franz said. At the end of the day, the plot will be about Hornet. She'll be in the spotlight in some way or another. That's not a bad thing at all.

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Nebbs - 08-20-2014

(08-20-2014, 09:43 AM)Dogberry Wrote: ..You wanna make some Jazz, Hornet, I play a mean bass.

Syncopated RP dady'o

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Dogberry - 08-20-2014

(08-20-2014, 09:36 AM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote: As for special snowflake, it's HER story. Be a little special~ If you're worried that it's getting too big, I'm sure the other people RPing will be able to help accommodate for it, or can help hash it out.

ABSOLUTELY THIS! I actually wrestled with Dogberry losing his legs for a bit, because I didn't want the plot to be too much about MY character ME ME ME. But then I realized that Dogberry's main motivation would have had less emotional impact if nobody had been there to see it. People will view things that happen later in an entirely different light if they've been there, or know exactly what happened. I try to at least give people something to work with when Dogberry's in the spotlight, and be ready to pass it on when someone else wants it.

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Rosekitten - 08-20-2014

I can't really offer advice because I'm stuck in the same boat as being a reactive rp'er. I made the character with no real drive or plan to make her a main focus for anyone. Her role is sot be a support or go to character. In the past she's served this role very well.

But I agree with what was stated here,, to get a plot going .. get excited. I know whenever I want something to happen in rp's outside of FF I talk with the people or person involved and sell what I have in mind. They'll probably add to it or make it better by bringing up something I forgot about or would never think about.

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Berrod Armstrong - 08-20-2014

Personally, the way I plot is to first decide who I want to entertain, and for how long.

I've run a few plots in the MMOs that I've played (usually guild stuff) and the reviews have been fairly okay. 

I look at my 'target audience'. Friends? FC mates? People who frequent a certain area? And wonder 'what can I do to keep all these people in a heightened state of entertainment for X amount of time?'. From there I chat with a few of them, find out their interests, then begin to craft something that will give each of their characters a time to shine.

Once I've decided what I want, I go with the ending first. I'm a sucker for bittersweet stuff and pulling heartstrings is my favorite pastime. Occasionally I employ the truly happy ending. If people want tragedy and loss to affect their characters, I tend to go with that instead!

With the ending in mind, it becomes a map of how to get there -- and it's not a single road, either. There are so many variables that can lead things ALL OVER THE PLACE, even away from the original ending that you planned! There MUST be an ending, though. 

Communicate! Of course you can't share everything with everyone,that'd spoil it! But look at your audience, decide who needs to know what and work with -each- of them to help make sure things go smoothly. If you're employing PCs instead of NPCs for plot stuff, make sure communication is CONSTANT. And bake them e-cookies, yes.

Also, don't be afraid to let other characters help you carry the plot. Once of the most rewarding things while running a plot is sitting back and watching your captive group just -take- things forward without you having to lift a finger. It can't go on that way all the time, you'll need to nudge and insert your direction when necessary -- but man, it's a sweet deal!

There's a whole bunch of other stuff involved, but I'm lazy and I'll stop here for now. I'll probably poke you sometime to talk more!

/pants heavily
how do you people type so much without dying

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - LiveVoltage - 08-20-2014

Don't take my advice or opinion very highly on the matter cause im nowhere near the amount of RP skill you have, but I find that RP's can fall into three different story line's.

Personal/Player Character plotline's
These are plot lines that the PC, you in other words, drive. You are the main character of it because its all about you're character.

The best way to optimize a personal RP is to find and establish well the past of the character as well as NPC's and PC's that have affected said past and use them to drive the plot forward. The most effective method Ive seen is conflict driven personal plot's, as in a big bad or group of big bads have appeared and the main character has to decide what to do and if he will fight them alone, with friends, with an organization or not at all.

Group Driven Plotlines
Similar to personal RP's but a group of characters will be considered main characters, with a larger amount of reactive characters on the side.

Generally, I haven't seen many examples of these so I will go with what I have. These tend to be done best when the main characters are already established and acquainted with each other. They will drive the main plot forward based on their experience and adventures and others who join later or those who are not main will almost always be a reactive character, unless they are a wolf in sheep's clothing or the big bad, then they will become a main character by default, or a antagonist character who drives the plot forward with evil shenanigans.

Minor Plots
These plots in comparison to Group and single person driven plots are different in terms of both mechanics and dynamics of the whole thing. They can be considered the comedic, random and light/soft hearted moments of any RP but are often very temporary or are something that is done on the side and may be picked up again at random interval points in the main or singular plots.

In this type of plot, most of the interactions are very friendly and comedic by nature and that everyone here serves the role of both the active and reactive character. The plot isnt so much serious story driven, but intended to take stress off the serious nature of the other RP's in general. These tend to be popular by nature but become stagnant and boring if over done.

I hope this helps.    ^_^

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - No Longer Exists - 08-20-2014

Hullo! *Tips Hat*

In MMOs, most RPers are reactive players and there are valid reasons for this. A lot of us just want to have fun in the brief hours we can devote to the game and as I was recently made aware by Verad (whom I thank for the enlightening perspective on community), those hours one can spend playing are precious to most of us. I admit to often looking widely at things and therefore miss the details but between that conversation and this post, I'm seeing more clearly what that all means. 

Some folks have the drive and time to be active RPers, which is an amazing quality. Building a storyline, coordinating, scheduling, etc, takes time and effort on the party of the player. While "active" isn't really the word I'd use (proactive maybe, but that's also kind of a misnomer), it does define the concept well and I thank you for that as well.

From many years of experience storytelling (writing, tabletop, MMO, and chat-based, specifically), I find the best way to build a plot is to think about your character. Plot-hooks can be personal or impersonal based on even the tiniest detail that you've built into your character. Seeking a family connection (either by recovery of an heirloom or just searching for clues) can make for a fun story or even something as basic as deciding your adventurer wants to get back to the root of adventuring and starts patrolling the countryside can lead to an inspirational story about highwaymen (and maybe a fun combat scene where she and her friends raid the Corpse Brigade hideout near Little Ala Mihgo) or saving a town from a beast tribe skirmish (the latter takes a lot more personalized involvement).

Sometimes, it's even as simple as internalizing a moral struggle (say, for example, She's feeling listless and looking for something to fight for.) will give you the inspiration you're looking for to further develop and bring that zest back.

When I transferred Galen to Balmung, I struggled with getting into the RP here. Not because I was reactive, but because I couldn't reason with the basis that Galen knew so many characters on Gilgamesh and now he was just starting out again on Balmung. After almost an entire week of agonizing over it, I found my stroke of brilliance. Galen's personal story now is that he remembers everyone he knew and is struggling with being in a world he knows but is devoid of the thirty some people he associated with. They don't exist here and that's shaken him quite a bit. His home is gone, his free company doesn't exist (so he glomped onto a new one) and all the free company headquarters he used to visit to see his friends have strangers living in them.

This influences the way I RP him now. He says odd things about how "it used to be" and he feels sorrow when something reminds him of the people he remembers but don't exist. He's even begun to research the aetherical probability of alternate universe and parallel dimensions just to give himself some peace of mind that he's not insane. A sense of comfort that everything he knows isn't some delusion. It's given the character such a fresh twist that I'm dancing like Snoopy about it. 

Where once he was a self-assured business mogul and mage, now he's teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown and grasping for shreds of normalcy...all hidden behind his eyes. 

Back on topic, the best advice is don't sweat the small stuff. Pick something that inspires YOU and talk to your friends about it, then get in there and make it happen. All you need is: An idea you love, a goal, a way to reach that goal. And remember, It's all in good fun!


-Black Hat

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - No Longer Exists - 08-20-2014

(08-20-2014, 10:17 AM)Berrod Armstrong Wrote: Personally, the way I plot is to first decide who I want to entertain, and for how long.

I've run a few plots in the MMOs that I've played (usually guild stuff) and the reviews have been fairly okay. 

I look at my 'target audience'. Friends? FC mates? People who frequent a certain area? And wonder 'what can I do to keep all these people in a heightened state of entertainment for X amount of time?'. From there I chat with a few of them, find out their interests, then begin to craft something that will give each of their characters a time to shine.

Once I've decided what I want, I go with the ending first. I'm a sucker for bittersweet stuff and pulling heartstrings is my favorite pastime. Occasionally I employ the truly happy ending. If people want tragedy and loss to affect their characters, I tend to go with that instead!

With the ending in mind, it becomes a map of how to get there -- and it's not a single road, either. There are so many variables that can lead things ALL OVER THE PLACE, even away from the original ending that you planned! There MUST be an ending, though. 

Communicate! Of course you can't share everything with everyone,that'd spoil it! But look at your audience, decide who needs to know what and work with -each- of them to help make sure things go smoothly. If you're employing PCs instead of NPCs for plot stuff, make sure communication is CONSTANT. And bake them e-cookies, yes.

Also, don't be afraid to let other characters help you carry the plot. Once of the most rewarding things while running a plot is sitting back and watching your captive group just -take- things forward without you having to lift a finger. It can't go on that way all the time, you'll need to nudge and insert your direction when necessary -- but man, it's a sweet deal!

There's a whole bunch of other stuff involved, but I'm lazy and I'll stop here for now. I'll probably poke you sometime to talk more!

/pants heavily
how do you people type so much without dying

That's amazing, Berrod. I tend to look at personalizing aspects of storylines as "fluff" for the overarching theme. ( I -did- mention that I have a wide scope of view a moment ago. Wink ) I do agree that it's highly rewarding to see your troupe or group of friends just run away with the story. Entertaining, especially. That might be deep water for Hornet to start swimming in though.

Regardless, this is sound advice for any aspiring teller of tales. Great post! Now breathe, don't die on us.

RE: Transitioning from Reactive to Active RP - Unnamed Mercenary - 08-20-2014

(08-20-2014, 10:17 AM)Berrod Armstrong Wrote: /pants heavily
how do you people type so much without dying

Work is very slow in the morning, when half my clients are still asleep. 

But yes, we're all here to help as well, Hornet!