Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Printable Version +- Hydaelyn Role-Players (https://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/mybb18) +-- Forum: Role-Play (https://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/mybb18/forumdisplay.php?fid=27) +--- Forum: Town Square (IC) (https://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/mybb18/forumdisplay.php?fid=21) +--- Thread: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] (/showthread.php?tid=8162) |
Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Twinflame - 09-03-2014 ((Those who want to understand K'ile's situation should read at least the most recent post in this other RP thread over here)) K'ile Tia had gone missing while scouting the narrow pass between Southern Thanalan and Northern Thanalan, ahead of the tribe's movement through that area. he should not have been away from the tribe alone; everyone knows not to go off on their own. K'yohko Nunh had made such a mistake days prior and the entire tribe had suffered as a result. K'ile had been one of his chief detractors for his trespass. And yet K'ile had made the same mistake not days later. All that was left of him in the pass was his discarded spear, burnt and blackened, and spots of his blood dashed on patches of quartz in the middle of the sand. K'takka crouched over the quartz in the middle of the pass, noting the way it shone like glass in the sun. There were orange crystals ringing it, shattered into small fragments, and her silver eyes narrowed in suspicion at them. As she brushed a hand over them, the red stones on her wrist shone. "Hm." "Elder?" The tribe was around her. The huntresses watched her carefully, seeming less worried about K'ile and more worried about what the Elders would decide to do. K'takka looked to the other Elders, K'deiki and K'jhahni, noting their expressions. K'takka glanced at the Nunh, then back down at the quartz. Her eyes closed, and she breathed deeply, smelling the blood and the earth, the old stink of dead bodies inexplicably lingering in the air. Then she opened her eyes and pointed her shivering claw at two of the huntresses. "You and you. Track him. Retrieve him if it is safe. Leave him and find us if he is not. We will not wait for you." The women nodded. The two women were dark-haired with tinges of red in their eyebrows. Children of firedancers two generations removed. It seemed appropriate. The tribe left the pass and moved north-east as though nothing had occured. K'takka did not wish to hear another word about K'ile Tia, neither about his disappearance nor his return. She did not speak to K'yohko about this. She did not ask after any of K'ile's family or friends. K'takka did not entertain any discussion about the feast or the challenge. It did not matter to her. The tribe was moving, and she kept her eyes forward. * "We will not stay here." K'takka's tone once again brooked no argument. It never did. "But, Elder," the huntresses' thin arm extended towards the corpse of the goobbue and the many plants that grew around it: fruits, herbs, edible and medicinal roots. "This is the location which K'luha, K'ile and the others said would be best." "They did not have my sight." K'takka's silver eyes opened wider, and she stared into the fetid, clouded eyes of the goobbue, like dirty marbles set in the dome of its head. Its mouth hung ajar with rigid teeth preserved. The same plants that grew around it grew over its flesh as well, wrapping it like a skull. "Young people might see life springing from death and mistake it for beauty, but I see nothing but ill omens here." K'ile Tia had been found in the settlement of Drybone, surrounded by Ul'dahn healers. Some might have called that a good thing as well, but K'takka was beginning to sense ill omens in the Tia's unexplained movements. The man had been skirting the challenge of Nunhship for almost six long years, and now it seemed like he was walking the precipice of death. His red ears laying flat against his head, sitting on the wagon as one sick -- he was injured -- he lifted his darkened eyes and spoke to the Elder. "K'luha and I slept a night below the goobbue." "As I said. Ill omens." K'takka turned to watch the other elders as she spoke. "West some malms, nearer the water. Open sky beneath Azeyma. We will camp there." She waited for the input. The tribe waited with her. K'ile Tia frowned and closed his eyes, resting a hand on top of his head. The huntresses had found him concussed and bruised, with a swath of black and blue across his neck where he had been strangled near to death. Given the burned spear and quartz, K'takka had expected him to have been burned, but he was not. She found it suspicious. He had been sustained by the healing magic of outsiders, but was weak and could not be permitted to sleep for fear that he would not awaken. He'd claimed that he had been attacked by bandits from Gridania. K'takka found it suspicious. Her thin tail swung behind her, fur patchy, swaths of ashen black flesh making it pull unnaturally and shiver. She glared at the Tia with her silver eyes. He did not notice. * The tribe was almost as quick to set up camp here as they were in the desert. The ground was harder here than in the desert, and it was a challenge for some to drive their tentpoles into the ground. They used spear and stone to help in digging. The tents, as always, followed the same layout, with the Elder's tent in the center and the healers' tent nearby, food and storage ringing a great central bonfire and public gathering area. Personal tents circled the outer edge of the camp. The organization was interrupted in some places by rocks too large to be moved, but this was a minor inconvenience. They did not dig a well. For the first time in the tribe's history, they were within walking distance of fresh water. Standing just outside the Elders' tent, K'takka could see the stone daises that stood as monuments about the pond. She could smell the fertile water and the pungent herbs that grew around it. Plants were everywhere. Small animals, birds, and insects were plentiful. No one would starve here. No one would thirst. "K'iara!" K'takka snapped suddenly, turning her gaze to their oldest and most reliable huntress. Behind her, inside the tent, the sounds of clattering bone and pot could be heard, the other Elders working not only to settle into their new home but also to prepare the fetishes and blessings that the tribe relied upon. K'takka gestured to the red-haired huntress, beckoning her nearer. "Gather the huntresses. We Elders will proclaim and bless the first hunt in mere minutes. Be ready." She then turned to go inside of the tent, but paused, and frowned back at K'iara. "And send someone to the K'Zhumi's tent to check on that damned Tia. Ask him about his foolish challenge. And ask K'luha about it too! Give her a chance to withdraw her support! She might just save his life." RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Nauta Lyehga - 09-03-2014 The trip had not been difficult for K'iara. Very little changed for her, other than that the ground was so hard now and the prey seemed to be looming everywhere. She was more concerned that the damned goat things were going to trample them during the night. Not to mention setting up the tents was more difficult than it had ever been. She was sweating just digging in a few tents and unloading. Her ears flicked behind her at the call from K'takka, and she turned sharply from the tent she was loading and jogged over. The first hunt. Her heard beat hard in her chest in anticipation. She nodded hard and turned on her heels again, her tail swaying eagerly behind her as she jogged off to call the women to hunt. She called off her first friend to check up on K'ile, and waved down a few more huntresses to gather the rest as she stopped by K'luha's tent. Unlike K'iara, K'luha had not taken the trip well. Her spirits seemed always lifted about K'tahja and even sometimes Xha'li, but the moment she was left to her own thoughts during the night she seemed empty. It was somewhat frightening to K'iara. When K'ile had gone missing the first time, K'luha had ceased speaking and drained of color. Although her hip was mostly healed and she was capable of walking with a limp, she did not seem to want to go anywhere. She was slow to walk, and was promptly thrown onto a Chocobo to make up for her slow speed. K'iara to seen to that much. K'iara had seen the tail end of an argument between K'luha and K'yohko during K'ile's missing period as well. She sense a great tension between them now, but she had done her best to ignore whatever they had been talking about. Even with K'ile's return K'luha had not seemed to fair well for awhile. K'iara tentatively approached K'luha's small tent. She was sure K'tahja was out helping set up the other tents, which made K'iara more nervous to enter. She pushed the fabric of the tent aside and called out softly. "K'luha?" The tent was fearfully still, and K'iara had to take a moment to locate K'luha's sullen figure in the corner. The air seemed somehow stale in the tent. K'iara carefully inched inward and tapped the woman's shoulder. It was a bit cold to the touch. "Oh... what? Ah, K'iara... hello..." K'luha's face twitched into an unsettling smile, the lines across her face deepening. Thick bags had formed beneath her eyes, and the distinct outline of her cheekbone could be seen across her face. She was gaunt, something she had never been before. K'iara had to wonder if this change was really for the better. She supposed if it didn't work out, they could always move again. "K'takka wanted me to ask... if you still wanted to support K'ile if he challenges K'yohko...?" K'iara hesitated, taking a small step back towards the entrance to the tent. Why was it so cold in this tent anyways? K'iara shivered slightly. K'luha was seriously giving her the creeps right now. "I... i..." K'luha's voice faltered a bit, her brow turning downwards. A familiar deep ragged voice echoed in her ears. Words she had heard not so long ago. It made her hesitant. It felt like so long ago that he had said he loved her. It felt like some cruel joke now. Her ears fell flat to her head, her entire body sagging with the effort of the decision. "Um... just um... go tell K'takka when you figure that out, mkay? K'ile said tons of women would support him anyway, so don't feel pressured!" K'iara quickly ducked out of the tent, catching the faintest glimpse of K'luha turning her head sharply to look at the retreating huntress. One of her eyes burned with a strong hatred, and the only seemed to drown in sadness. K'iara shut her mouth and sharply turned to hustle off in the other direction. Maybe she shouldn't have said that last part. Well, it was K'ile's problem now! K'iara ducked around K'yohko as she went to join the collection of the huntresses. The Nunh raised an ear at K'iara's swiftly moving form, and glancing back to K'luha's tent. He could feel it strongly now. Magic. The unnatural movement of aether from K'luha's tent. There was nothing he could do for her now. His eyes turned dark, and he forced his head away from the tent. She was dying. He felt it in the way the aether pulled across her form. She was dying, and he could only hope that K'tahja would save her. His stride shifted across the sands, pausing in front of the elder's tent. He looked to K'takka, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Grandmother, may I join the first hunt?" The question was soft like a breeze, gently riding the wind to her ears alone. He was Nunh like K'ile had once said. Running off on his own was foolish, but the honor of the first hunt was something he desired for himself. He would have very much liked to partake in it, but never without K'takka's permission. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Twinflame - 09-03-2014 "No." K'takka snapped this with ease, lingering between the inside of the tent and the outside of the tent. "You are not a hunter. You are the Nunh. And it's time you started acting like it." She spoke firmly, but without any kind of disdain or frustration. She was just adamant. "Your job is to produce many strong children. Your job is to fight Tias. If there are no Tias to fight then you have not been doing your first job well enough. No, tonight you must make one of the huntresses your prey, K'yohko." RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Izmina - 09-03-2014 The distinctly grumpy healer paced about her tent, grumbling under her breath about not being able to find anything and about items being thrown willy nilly where they didn't belong. K'zhumi occasionally paused in her complaints to cast an eye at that tia to be sure he was still awake. Far be it from her to question the elders but she was not at all sure they wouldn't have been better leaving him in Drybone. She stares at him a minute more before she returns to her unpacking of her supplies. K'tahjha rolls her shoulders and winces at the pain and soreness that was setting in. Having never participated in a migration before, she had no idea how much work unpacking and setting up tents was. She stole a longing glance over at the water, then sighs, hoping there would be time for a swim later. As she moves to see who else needed help with their tent, she spots the huntresses gathering. Her ears fell, she would like to attend the hunt, but not having passed her trial she knew she would not be allowed. Her eyes fell momentarily on the tent she shared with her aunt and she chewed on her bottom lip briefly. She was worried about K'luha, she hadn't been looking well. Shaking her head briefly she gets back to work. Hopefully a meal of fresh, hot meat would perk up her aunt. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Clover - 09-03-2014 Some things went well. A few worries had lifted from K'mih's shoulders. For one, they seemed to have found a place that provided everything they'd been lacking. For another, K'ile had been found badly injured, unfit to carry through with his challenge. By the time he'd recover from his wounds, if he ever did, the Nunh's own injuries should no longer be a problem. K'mih had no doubts that her father would easily beat the daring Tia by then. He was younger and stronger. He was the best. Other things, however, didn't go as well. Whatever had been troubling K'nahli during the trip, it'd ended up affecting the way she even treated K'mih. The proud huntress had been acting cold and distant, as if she wanted to push the whole world away. This time, K'mih wouldn't be the exception that managed to bring her some peace of mind. Furthermore, the first hunt in a completely unknown territory was about to start; K'mih feared she couldn't do this alone. "K'nahli..." She approached her dear sister again, her axe safe and ready behind her back. Albeit she tried to smile, she still looked nervous. "Could we... go together during the hunt?" RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Twinflame - 09-03-2014 K'ile Tia scowled at the wall of the tent as though it were to blame for his poor health. His eyes were dark and only barely open, just the act of staring painful. Everyone had been looking at him like he'd done something stupid, but they didn't know. What was he supposed to do? The dead should not walk. Especially not him. As if seeing K'iara walking around like the man reborn in female form wasn't bad enough, K'piru's wicked daughter was pulling him out of the earth and marching him back to the desert. He should have known he would lose that fight. Everyone always did. K'thalen had never been defeated as Nunh, so why would things be any different now that he was undead? It had taken bad luck, betrayal, and a world on fire for the man to fall last time. Of course he wouldn't go down to anything K'ile had, even if K'ile had decided to go all out. K'yohko would've crumbled like a bullied child, but K'thalen hadn't even flinched. So it meant nothing. As long as the dead walked elsewhere, it meant nothing. K'ile would get his strength back and defeat K'yohko. And in the meantime... It seemed the Elders wished him to suffer K'zhumi's scowls. The sound of the tent shifting in the evening wind hurt his head, and K'ile pushed on his eyes as though he could supress the ache. It felt like his skull itself had been bruised. He didn't like it. It bugged him. He growled and pressed on his eyes and didn't want to be here. He had nothing against K'zhumi but he didn't want to be here. And she didn't want him here either. "I'm going." He snapped, slamming a fist down in the dirt and lifting himself up. The motion hurt. He felt dizzy. His ears brushed the wall of the tent and for some reason that sensation throbbed inside of his head. "For a bit. Just. To get air." RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Nauta Lyehga - 09-03-2014 The sharpness of K'takka's rejection brought K'yohko's eyes to look more firmly to his grandmother. Rejection... It was disappointing. His ears twitched a bit, flicking downwards and sideways. Nunh, a title he had carried for so long it seemed to lose meaning. But to hear his grandmother say he needed to mate with a woman again? K'yohko's ears flicked upwards, a barely visible flush across his face. It was somewhat strange to hear it from K'takka. K'yohko raised a hand over his face, brushing the color and mild shock from any obvious expression. "If I help the huntresses on the first hunt, would it not be a good start to charming a huntress?" K'yohko questioned softly. It might have been a long shot but, going on hunts with the women had worked well for him before. It gave him a chance to show off his strength and it had previously attracted women to his tent. His eyes glanced sidelong towards the healers tent. His tent was always open, even to K'ile. His offer to the Tia had been genuine, but it had always been clear that K'ile wanted as little to do with K'yohko as possible. Even now... K'yohko glanced back towards K'iara's shifting frame in the distance as she left K'luha's tent. K'luha, they had been close once. She had been a good mate. Having a child had brought her back to live once. If he could only make her understand... His ears flicked. "If not, I have someone in mind..." The nunh paused, his stormy eyes still lingering on K'luha's tent before they trailed back to K'takka. "It worked once before... I hope that maybe it would work a second time..." He added more softly to K'takka, his eyes lingering to meet his grandmother's. "Should the huntresses take K'tahja on the hunt? She could learn. She is quick and smart. I think she would like it." RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Xha'li Moui - 09-04-2014 Xha'li stirred slightly on Rin's back as the chocobo came to a stop with the rest of the tribe before falling once more into his evening slumber. Well used to his boy's odd sleeping habits Rin simply wandered around the edge of the camp warbling at Fubuki to keep up when the chickabo showed signs of getting distracted. The boy had been sleeping less and smelled sadder then Rin could remember these past few suns, and Rin wasn't tired yet so he saw no problem walking around the camp if it meant his boy could get the sleep he seemed to need. Turning his head around he coo'ed softly at Li before facing forward and continuing his lazy meandering. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Izmina - 09-04-2014 K'zhumi's ears flatten at K'ile's statement. It did not help her all ready cross mood that her patient seemed to feel he was well enough to take a stroll around unfamiliar grounds. She opened her mouth to tell him to sit back down and stop fidgeting like a cub. But she snapped her mouth shut with a shrug, it was no skin off her nose if the crazy tia wanted to wander off and fall asleep and never wake up. She frowns at him,"See that you stay awake." K'tahjha had finally run out of people who needed help setting up their tent and carrying bags, she lingers wistfully near the gathering huntresses to watch them prepare. With a shake of her head she sets off towards her aunt's tent, hoping to convince her to come out and take a bath with her. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - K'nahli - 09-04-2014 "You do not need my permission for such a thing. If you wish to join the hunt then do so" K'nahli replied bluntly as she continued putting away the remainder of her belongings. The remaining journey that had taken place between Forgotten Springs and their current residence in Eastern Thanalan had been another one of isolation - though her bitterness seemed to have quelled notably, not that it would likely have been noticed by anyone other than herself given her limited interaction. Regardless, K'mih was greeted with little other than her taller sister's back, a slender form whose skin glowed dimly in the fleeting light that passed through the tent's entrance, as she gave her answer. Though it was not intentionally turned to her young sister in a symbol of either defiance or perhaps, retreat, no effort was truly made to so much as even look at K'mih directly as she spoke. The nature of her upset in all manners had dwindled in recent days luckily, though it had not been so easily resolved either, not through such blatant avoidance could she really hope for much more than that anyways. For K'nahli, K'mih's presence was still a reminder of how she was none other than the "less favourable" sister. A title she had all but earned for herself with the way she had chosen to behave in post-calamitic years. A self-absorbed notion to be sure, but certainly no shier from the truth. "I must needs inspect my arrows before the hunt. Is there anything else?" K'nahli asked coolly as she placed the final box down near the base of her bedding with an audible thump. With little hesitation she finally turned to face her younger sister, having concluded with her current activity. K'nahli's expression felt somehow dangerous with the way she looked at the younger miqo'te so lifelessly. While she wasn't quite frowning at her sister, merely the way her lids hung low over her piercing eyes as she watched the pink-haired miqo'te with a faint shadow of disinterest revealed that there was still no resolve to the strange and, to K'mih, untold feelings that her older sibling harboured toward her. The atmosphere in the tent was undoubtedly chilling, far beyond that of the simple shift in climates, dramatic as it had been for the miqo'te tribe - and it all radiated from the blue-haired girl who now looked down upon her sister not with a familiar loving affection and the intent to protect, but with a contemptuous glower that eagerly awaited the chance to escape the miqo'te's company. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Twinflame - 09-05-2014 K'ile didn't burden K'zhumi with any more of his shifting. He moved as quickly as he could out of the tent, enduring the ache in his skull as he did so. The momentum that came with moving quickly helped ward away any dizziness, so he kept moving despite the strange scents that assaulted his compromised senses. Her placed a hand over his face as though to ward them away. The instant he stepped outside he was overstimulated by the many new smells of Eastern Thanalan, the fresh camp, and all of the people. His head throbbed. He stumbled, tried to stay upright, lost his balance and fell to a knee. He heard voices and movement, but couldn't make any of them out. Why had he thought this was a good idea? K'ile didn't want to end up on his side, so he got up and started moving again. Where did he even think he was going? He'd had someplace in mind, but he couldn't think. * K'takka paused one last time before entering the Elders' tent to look back at K'yohko and, again, shake her head. "She is good with a bow, but does not know the techniques the huntresses use. She is uninitiated in the ritual of the hunt. Remember, she did not grow up with it. When she understands, she can go on a blessed hunt. Now, go." The woman moved into the tent, finally, her gaze and her attention moving to the actions of the other Elders and the preparations for the hunt. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Nauta Lyehga - 09-07-2014 Rejected again. Tonight was going to full of rejections, wasn't it? K'yohko flicked his ears towards K'takka and bowed a bit at his waist. He turned from their tent shifted away, his eyes flickering around the tent. It had been five almost six very long years since anyone had requested his use. It was almost bit overwhelming to try and think about it again. K'yohko flicked his tail behind him. Had he grown so cold and distant in the last six years that the thought of that kind of togetherness wasn't appealing? Again, K'yohko's ears flattened somewhat. It was quite a troublesome request K'takka had burdened him with. Looking for a distraction, K'yohko noted a single flaming haired male staggering to his knees outside of the healer's tent. K'yohko looked up a bit, quirking his head before moving towards K'ile. The troublesome Tia stood and started wandering off again. It would be even more troublesome if he walked off on his own again. Yohko sighed a bit beneath his breath and stepped forward, grabbing at K'ile's arm to stop him. "You're going to wander outside of camp alone again if you keep that up." The nunh said flatly, his stormy eyes a quiet glassy violet tonight. He noted K'ile's pained features, and wondered why it was that K'zhumi let him out of the tent to begin with. K'yohko would have guided him back to his own tent, but seeing as how he'd been unconscious and under care he didn't have one yet. But K'yohko already had his set up. He supposed he could offer up his space to K'ile instead. --- K'iara waved a cheerful goodbye to another red haired huntress, her eyes honing in on a particularly pink and purple. The eldest huntress smirked a bit and stepped forward between the sisters, not oblivious to their tension but ignoring it outright. She moved to clap a hand on either one's shoulder, and looking knowingly at both of them with a toothy grin. "First hunt tonight ladies. We wouldn't want bad omens to disgrace our first hunt, would we? K'nahli? K'mih?" K'iara looked to each as she addressed them before slipping her hands back to her hip and resting her palm of a single hand on the handle of her axes. "Let's gather our family tonight quickly. We shouldn't keep the elders waiting." K'iara shifted away from the girls with a little raspy chuckle, her tail flicking behind her, eager to begin the hunt. --- K'luha sat in eerie still silence. Her tent was only put together because of K'tahja's efforts. If the others had not helped, she would not have had the strength to put it back together. A thin piece of fabric rested across the sand in front of K'luha. A bandana, given so long ago. The color of the fabric and the smell of the old ragged piece of cloth pained K'luha until she felt her chest throb. She pressed a hand to her breast, closing her eyes and finally pushing the fabric away with another hand. She couldn't look at it any longer. How could she face her sisters tonight? She had always been a part of ceremonial hunts. How could she look at her sisters and tell them she was maimed. How could she tell them all that her daughter had maimed her and then died? What sort of mother was she to have raised a daughter who could do that? K'luha bowed her head down to her knees and pressed her hands to the back of her head, ears flattened down and tail limp. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Twinflame - 09-07-2014 K'ile Tia struggled pitifully at the Nunh, every movement hurting like nails were shifting inside of his skull. Still, he managed to squint up at the much larger man, scowling, "I am not going to wander. I'm not blind. And don't think I'm going to delay my challenge against you. I can beat you whole or injured just the same." He turned his face out towards the camp, sniffing at the air, ears turning this way and that. "Now, where's K'luha's tent?" RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Izmina - 09-07-2014 K'tahjha was headed across the new camp to the tent she would share with her aunt. She wanted to see the ceremony of the first hunt and was hoping K'luha could be persuaded to join her. Arriving at the front of the tent, Tahj hesitates before going in, even the young archer was aware her aunt was not recovering properly, she takes a deep breath and puts on a cheerful smile and enters the tent. "Aunt Luha?" Tahj stands, blinking till her eyes adjust to the pitch blackness in the tent, finally able to see she approaches and kneels besides K'luha to gather the thin woman in a firm hug. "They're about to start the hunt. I've never seen a ceremonial hunt before. Please come watch with me?" she asks hopefully. RE: Heinous Omens [K-Tribe] - Nauta Lyehga - 09-07-2014 K'yohko couldn't even sigh again K'ile's attempts to free himself. They were more than pitiful. But he had to feel bad that K'ile was hurting himself to try and avoid him. K'yohko's ears flicked forward, almost startled that K'ile would ask for K'luha's tent. Yohko glanced towards the woman's tent, a thick dark aura emanating from the cloth. Perhaps it was only K'yohko, a miq'ote extremely in tune with nature, that could feel it. But it certainly felt off, and it had since she'd returned from their scouting mission. "Over there." K'yohko lightly gestured in the direction of K'luha's tent, noting Tahj's thin form as the girl entered the tent. "If it interests you, she is doing poorly." The nunh paused for a moment, releasing K'ile's arm slowly. "You cannot give her want she wants K'ile. You do not know her like I know her. But, feel free to prove me wrong... Nothing would make me happier than to be wrong about K'luha...." K'yohko crossed his arms and looked past K'ile towards the woman's tent. He didn't intend to simply let K'ile walk over there himself, and would tail the other closely should he want to walk to K'luha's tent. --- She distantly felt warm arms wrap around her shivering frame, and lifted her head a bit. "K'tahja..." Luha muttered softly, looking over her niece's hazy form. The hunt... how could she face them? But, if Tahj was asking then. Then she had no choice. K'luha forced a cracking smile on her lips and raised her arms to embrace her neice's form. She was so much more muscular now than she had been when they first met. "Yes, of course we can watch. And soon, you'll be able to go with them Tahj." K'luha tried to give a soft laugh, sitting up and shifting to stand. "Come, we shouldn't be late..." K'luha looked towards the flap of her tent and then back to her nice. |