Belian Lightfoot - Belian Lightfoot - 10-27-2014
I. Basic InfoÂ
- Characters:Â Belian Lightfoot
- Primary character:Â Belian Lightfoot
- Linkshells:
- Primary RP linkshell:
II. RP StyleÂ
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
-  Heavy Roleplay, strive to be in character as much as possible. I have had plenty of Roleplay experience both online and tabletop mover about ten years or so. Roleplay is the main reason I play an MMO, everything else (leveling ect) is secondary. I love a good story and I often play part character, part director and part choreographer to ensure a good scene. I also have no problem Roleplaying adult situations with mature themes. I don't generally use voice chat as I feel it takes away from the atmosphere and immersion of the scene.Â
- Personality wise Belian is very much the Han Solo/Rogue Archtype. He is brash, selfish, cocky but also has a heart of gold and will do what he feels is right.Â
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
- I have no problem with it, I think conflict drives a story forward. I don't god mode and I prefer to RP combat out instead of letting a roll determine the winner. As far as injuries I have really no boundaries other then my character will not die in a storyline unless I wish it.Â
- Not a fan at all of "super powered" damn near invincible characters. In fact I hate them. If you want to RP with me especially RP conflict then you must be able to be beaten. and be able to concede that even though you may have beaten me i got my hits in.Â
- Views on IC romance:
- Must happen within Roleplay. It has to build naturally and have a connection to the character. As far as "romantic" rp or ERP i have no issue with it as long as again, it makes sense for the character.Â
- This is also a zero tolerance for drama zone for me. I've had romantic/sexual Rp in the past that has gone very very badly and lead to very real and very unpleasant issues in my real life. Simply put if anyone attempts to cause my real life any kind of strife because of RP I will take measures to see they are removed from my game and my life with no possibility of restoration. Do not test me on this.Â
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
- Pretty open as far as Roleplay goes. I just let the story take me where ever it wants to go.Â
- Views on lore:
- I try to adhere to lore as much as possible but i'm not what you call a "lore nazi" if it bends lore usually no big deal as long as it's believable within the setting, Or if you come up with a really good reason.Â
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
- I try to be in character as much as possible so to that end I limit my OOC communication and keep it to a minimum, unless I just need to step back from a stressful scene, then ill go OOC for a bit to unwind.Â
- As for the actual use of chat I will bracket all emotes with <> and use quotes for actual spoken words ""
- I use /tell quite often for personal one on one Rp just because it's much easier to keep track of then /say in very busy areas. (ie the quicksand)
- I view RP linkshells as some form of communication device that allows members of the shell to talk to one another over long distances.Â
- breakdown of channels
- /say - for anything Belian says out in the open using his normal voice.
- /tell - Used like i said as more of a convenience device when I want to concentrate on a one on one session both emotes and speaking will be used though here when that happens. Though sometimes I will use this as a long distance communication (magical telepathy ect)
- /Yell - Rarely used (in fact i dont think i've ever used it)
- /Shout - Mostly OOC in cities but rarely for an actual very loud shout.
- /party - almost always OOC unless there is a specific RP that requires it then it functions like /tell for me.
III. Other Info - Country: United States
- Timezone: Â Eastern Standard Time
- Contact info: Contact me in game via /tellÂ
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RE: Belian Lightfoot - Belian Lightfoot - 06-21-2015