Hydaelyn Role-Players
Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Printable Version

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Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Sarpy - 11-09-2014

Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place?
I am hoping to come back to this game, especially for the RP (Roleplay) factor but I've heard that the unofficial EU RP server is dead

So, I was going to join the US RP server as I heard it's very active and the servers are in the same location.

However, I read somewhere that the EU servers are being moved, is this true?

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Unnamed Mercenary - 11-09-2014

Currently, all the NA/EU servers are in Canada, at the same data center.

There are plans to open an EU datacenter somewhere in Europe, but no idea what the timeframe is. It was announced at the Vegas Fan Fest iirc.

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Maril - 11-09-2014

I would recommend joining Balmung, there's a strong EU presence there. The lag is hardly noticeable.

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Sarpy - 11-09-2014

(11-09-2014, 04:19 PM)Sastra Wrote: I would recommend joining Balmung, there's a strong EU presence there. The lag is hardly noticeable.
Will do, thank you
Hopefully no real issues with finding/meeting people due to it being NA

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Nebbs - 11-09-2014

On Balmung things are active most of the time, the low points are EU mornings and early afternoon, but even there there are some Night Owl, Early Bird folks about. There is a big population here which I think wins over a tiny community you may find on an EU specific server (I could be wrong).

Some events are arranged so you can get them late in the evening from EU, though there are some that would be ~2am+ EU times.

The main issue faced is lag but if you do want to raid try out things like WTFast. I get a ~110ms lag from UK and using WTFast, which removes a lot of the spikes.

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Sarpy - 11-09-2014

Re-subbing now.

If my ping is somewhat acceptable I should be able to stick to it, if it's over 200 then it'd be a problem I'd imagine

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Aris - 11-09-2014

I'm an EU (UK) player on Balmung, and the main issue I've found is often some RP events don't begin until past midnight for me, or at least late evening, which is disheartening. Sad

Many RP FCs with a big EU presence will often do events that will fit in with EU schedules though, so it isn't always a problem.

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Sarpy - 11-09-2014

Making a toon on Balmung now

Thanks for all the replies guys c:

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Sarpy - 11-09-2014


Balmung isn't accepting any new players, is this common and does it get lifted often?

I'll just save my appearance and wait until tomorrow afternoon (Uk afternoon) and hopefully get an opening

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Maril - 11-09-2014

(11-09-2014, 06:26 PM)Sarpy Wrote: Gah!

Balmung isn't accepting any new players, is this common and does it get lifted often?

I'll just save my appearance and wait until tomorrow afternoon (Uk afternoon) and hopefully get an opening

The UK afternoon is the best time to try. On the mogstation you can see the various re-evaluation points for the character restrictions Smile It basically depends on how many players are logged in at the time of the re-evaluation point. Every 5 or so hours.

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Sarpy - 11-09-2014

Of course I decided to try and get back into the game during NA's prime  time haha :c derp
Hopefully I have some luck tomorrow

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Aris - 11-10-2014

With the recent patch release it is extra busy at the moment, but it does open at some points I assure you. Tongue

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Maril - 11-10-2014

Alternatively, right after a maintenance is also a good time. For me the maintenances usually end at 11am, so that's around 10am for UK people.

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Sarpy - 11-10-2014

Gah. No luck again :/ another day of not playing I guess haha.

They just re-checked it I guess since it's not far past 7am PDT time
Another 5 hours to wait :c really wanting to just play

RE: Are the EU and US servers still located in the same place? - Sarpy - 11-10-2014

Is server transferring stupidly expensive? Tempted to just join another server for now and then move over at a higher level