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On The Properties Of Being Void-Touched - Printable Version

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On The Properties Of Being Void-Touched - TheWizard - 11-13-2014

I've seen the subject of being "Void-Touched" be thrown around a bit and while I know there isn't a lot in game pertaining to such a thing, I was wondering how players who use such a plot device view it and how their characters came to be that way. I am working off the assumption that it involves interaction with the Void itself as well as Voidsent and lends a sort of... darkness to the character.

My reason for asking is because I have an Ul'dahn noblewoman whom I would like to become a Paladin ICly and then via various potential methods become a proto-Dark Knight until the actual Job becomes available. I have my ideas written down for her elsewhere and can be provided upon request.

Thanks in advance.

RE: On The Properties Of Being Void-Touched - Faye - 11-13-2014

I have a character who is Void-touched! It's, in a way, like being Tempered to the Void. Smile Long story short, she wanted revenge on an ex-lover, tampered with some magicks she hadn't yet mastered, and summoned a Voidsent in hopes of having it do her bidding, but unable to control the creature, it simply Tempered her instead. Now, she gathers aether as her lifesource by sucking it from others through close contact. She also has a bit of mental instability, but it's kind of up in the air whether that's due to her being Void-sent, or... just her natural temperament. 

Being a Voidsent, I play her as having some unnatural abilities: increased strength/agility, slight shapeshifting, dark magic, regenerative properties, an unnatural allure (as she's a "succubus"), etc. That's just my take on things, though. The in-game lore doesn't cover much in terms of specifics. The main purpose of using it as a plot device, to me, is by forcing interaction between my character and others. She's a loner with a disposition that means she doesn't want to be around most people, and if she acts like her true herself, most people don't want anything to do with her, either... but being as people are her source of nourishment, she must interact with others.

RE: On The Properties Of Being Void-Touched - TheWizard - 11-13-2014

(11-13-2014, 04:10 AM)Faye Wrote:
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Ah I see, kinda reminds me of Lady Amandine from Haukke Manor as well as the woman from the Dark Devices FATE in N. Than. Its an interesting approach I've seen talked about a couple other times.

Not sure if that's quite the route I would wish to go, I'm not wanting my char to become an out-right Voidsent... at least not yet, but thank you nonetheless for your insight into the matter.

A strangely intriguing concept regardless..

RE: On The Properties Of Being Void-Touched - Nebbs - 11-13-2014

@Faye, makes me think of Lost Girl

RE: On The Properties Of Being Void-Touched - Warren Castille - 11-13-2014

A couple of things to chomp on from the No Fun Allowed Club.

What sort of paladin are you thinking of becoming? Sultansworn are a different faction from the Free Paladins that come from the job quest line, though both require your character to be vetted by the proper authorities and such. I don't know your character's backstory but "noblewoman" doesn't lend much to the imagination vis a vis wielding a sword and shield adequately enough to differentiate yourself from an adventurer doing good, compared to someone welcomed into the Order properly. If you're only looking for a suitable background to eventually "fall" and become a dark knight, there's little reason for her to have to be a paladin first. Any sort of noble, striving-for-good self-imagined hero would be fine. Becoming a paladin isn't something you just sort of decide to do one day, and it could be interpreted that the player character is only welcomed in as quickly as they are because of their endeavors in the job quest progression.

I'd also be wary of using anything regarding "building up" to becoming a dark knight canonically. Their official lore is completely, utterly unknown for the time being. For all we know they're a zealous faction at odds with Ishgard and are labeled "dark knights" simply because they don't think all dragons are evil. We're yet to see anything about them besides a single piece of art.

There was someone in the fashion world (I know this is a tangent, but bear with me!) who said, regarding women getting dressed up to go out, to get dressed and then take off on accessory. There's a lot of movement in a potential backstory here and you don't want to lose sight of the crux of it. Being a noblewoman (1) who is also a paladin (2) who becomes void-touched (3) to become a dark knight (4) isn't unreasonable, but the necessity to a narrative could be questioned.

And as always when it comes to RP, do what you think works best. If this is a story you're sure you want to spin, then tell me to jog on and go with it!

RE: On The Properties Of Being Void-Touched - Aduu Avagnar - 11-13-2014

Also, be aware that there are some characters that will react extremely negatively if they suspect interaction with the void on any level.

Its a taboo for a reason.

RE: On The Properties Of Being Void-Touched - TheWizard - 11-14-2014

Yes, I am aware of the flaws in my ideas since well that's all they are so far. I was more or less just asking for people's insight into the matter who might have experience on the matter which I have received so thank you for that.

RE: On The Properties Of Being Void-Touched - Faye - 11-14-2014

(11-13-2014, 06:49 AM)Nebbs Wrote: @Faye, makes me think of Lost Girl

Heeeeh, a friend and actually showed it to me and told me it reminded him of this particular character. And now I'm hooked on it! Big Grin