Hydaelyn Role-Players
New Player - Printable Version

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New Player - Cassandra Lachance - 11-21-2014

Hello everyone!

I'm new to FFXIV, I started playing about two weeks ago. I played WoW a few years ago and I enjoyed it but I didn't try any of the roleplaying servers at the time. I've roleplayed on forums and chat rooms but never on an actual online game, so my experience is somewhat limited.

I've created my wiki profile. It's not much, there's definitely a lot to add to it, but I suppose it's a good start for now. Seeing as I'm somewhat rusty when it comes to roleplaying, I would certainly appreciate any comments or suggestions regarding the profile, so please feel free to let me know what you think.

I also have one question: as I mention on the profile, there are parts of Cassandra's backstory that I'm deliberately not including in the profile for the moment. Now, I'm aware that any respectable roleplayer will not use the wiki's information without knowing it IC, but all the same, I'd prefer to surprise those who get to know the character. Do most people just reveal everything in the wiki? Does it feel as though I've withheld too much? Please do let me know.

I'm in the UK, so I'm usually online until 7 or 8 pm EST, a bit later in the weekend sometimes. I haven't roleplayed at all so far since I wanted to familiarize myself with FFXIV. I'd like to do some roleplaying now that I'm more used to the game. What/where/when is a good way to start?

RE: New Player - Coatleque - 11-21-2014

Welcome to the RPC!

As far as 'how much should I include', it varies from person to person. Some like to keep everything vague and share things through the course of RP, others like to put everything on their wiki. It's really your choice.

Personally, I try to keep a balance between them and treat the wiki as a place I can write stuff down so I don't forget it.

The best way to break into RP? I would say to just get out there and do it. A lot of people stand around and just watch others, so if you engage a few people and start getting your name out there, more RP will come to you instead. The Quicksand is usually fairly active.

RE: New Player - Nebbs - 11-21-2014

Welcome to the server, you might want to start by looking at the Free Company and Link Shell list here, as a FC can be a nice place to start. Also many of the adventurers guild areas (especially Ul'dah) often have some people RPing there.

Keep it simple to start and just go with the flow, don't be afraid to speak up and try to be interactive.

And nothing wrong with things to discover, that is a way to add some layers to a character.

RE: New Player - Zhavi - 11-21-2014

(11-21-2014, 11:31 AM)Cassandra Lachance Wrote: Hello everyone!

I also have one question: as I mention on the profile, there are parts of Cassandra's backstory that I'm deliberately not including in the profile for the moment. Now, I'm aware that any respectable roleplayer will not use the wiki's information without knowing it IC, but all the same, I'd prefer to surprise those who get to know the character. Do most people just reveal everything in the wiki? Does it feel as though I've withheld too much? Please do let me know.

Some do, some don't. I was and am too lazy to finish filling out Zhi's history; I write little mini stories instead when I'm not feeling as lazy (Town Square is where you can put a journal or story if you want to share it). I haven't had anyone use anything in any major way; usually when people use stuff from Zhi's past it's because we've discussed our characters having known each other or run into each other in the past. I've yet to run into anyone who used anything to power game against me -- so pretty much just do what you feel is right for your character. Smile

WELCOOOMMEEEE. The community is pretty friendly, so jump on in and don't be afraid to ask questions if ever you run into conundrums or need more rp partners.

RE: New Player - Jancis - 11-21-2014


Skimming your wiki it looks nice with a good base of quirks and background to work off of.

Best way to break into role play is to simply say hello. I honestly liked to hit some gathering points or events and listen at first then I got a feel for how people interact. Don't feel like you're not allowed to stand nearby and listen to people, you might even get pulled in.

Okay this sounds like a plug and so it is! Considering you're in Europe and your character is from Gridania, there is an event this Saturday (tomorrow) evening for you that regards one of the Twelve gods that your character could meet people at. Yes I'm hosting the event... but the pieces fell into place.

Otherwise there's other players from Europe. There's a tavern night on Thursdays with KinRP that have theme to their gatherings you can find on the Calendar here. There's also a European specific linkshell that helps coordinate and meet other role players on top of the board and other theme and location specific linkshells to get involved with. 

Welcome aboard!

RE: New Player - Cassandra Lachance - 11-21-2014

Thanks for the warm welcome! Big Grin

I really wasn't sure about my profile, I appreciate your feedback.

I did engage in some voyeurism last night in Ul'dah but I really wasn't sure whether people would be ok with a massive, conspicuous fly on the wall so I didn't stick around for long. It's good to know that people don't mind being watched, because it definitely helps.

Your plug is much appreciated Jancis, I will definitely attend if I'm online around that time, thank you for the invitation. I actually hadn't even looked at the calendar before, that's quite helpful.

RE: New Player - Amelia - 11-21-2014


As other people have stated already, finding a Linkshell and Free Company is a good way to start, apart from wandering through the city-states.

There are plenty of RP Linkshells and also OOC linkshells that are mainly used for networking, which can also help break the ice and toss ideas around for you to get involved!

I'm on Balmung, too. So if you ever see Amelia Almandine or Slayd Markee running around, say hello! I've been wanting to get back into RP myself after a brief RP hiatus. Smile And Amelia lives in the Gridania housing district, so she spends a lot of time in The Shroud.

But anywho... Welcome to the game and to the RPC! We're happy to have you!