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Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - Printable Version

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Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - Madda - 12-02-2014

( hidden QQ post )

So while Madda sits, waiting to make another character, why did you make your character be a specific race? What drew you towards that race?

Madda was drawn to the Hellsguard Roe because of how much better Madda thought they looked than actual Highlanders. Plus, they have neat, poofy, leather, wristguards.

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - Coatleque - 12-02-2014

I -always- play humans.
And midlanders looked too scrawny for melee combat.

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - Zhavi - 12-02-2014

I like cats.

That's it.

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - Miryn - 12-02-2014

Lore compliance, basically. Before I decided I wanted to make a RP alt, Miryn was a Hellsguard Roe named Whimsical Sparrow. I like all the Roe animations and tanking is my favorite role, so I wanted something beefy to match.

Then came along my RP itch and I went for an Ishgardian background. However, I've never seen or heard of a Roe Ishgardian knight in canon, so I fantasia'd her to be a Wildwood Elezen.

(I do miss my femRoe though.)

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - Aaron - 12-02-2014

Just my opinion so don't kill me.

I chose a Midlander without a doubt. 

Elezen - Look like hyur on stilts to me and I don't like the ears

Roegadyn - Look like wanna be Hulks

Lalafell - By far I love them as a race but I wouldn't play as one coz they look like eight year olds.

Miq'ote - EVERYONE IS A MIQ'OTE. Plus I never found them interesting to me. If they were dog people instead I mightv have been one.

Highlander - There's nothing wrong with them to me, I just prefer the smaller stature of a Midlander. To me Midlanders can look good as any job too. Other races not so much. Like a Roegadyn Ninja/Rogue dafuq you doing if you can't see them bigass people jumping around? 

Midlander - Midlander master race. That is all.

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - MikoBehnen - 12-02-2014

SO I had this whole great back story worked up for a Highlander and I went into the character creation and I just couldn't get her to look right. So I scrapped the backstory and just tried to find someone that was cute as hell but still looked like she could stab you without giving too much of a ----.

and hucha hucha hucha... cat girl.

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - Gone. - 12-02-2014

Initially started as a Hyur Midlander out of convention, race-changed to Moon Keeper Miqo'te because I found their lore (independent, fiercely matriarchal) much more suitable for my character. Same goes for how freakin' adorable they are.

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - D'aito Kuji - 12-02-2014

The chance to be an official cat girl and not just something that's part of a costume set in a game was too good to pass up.  Then I dug into the lore and found that I really enjoyed the backstory and the concept and since I am a cat person in RL, it really suits me.

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - ArmachiA - 12-02-2014

I built a character around being a priest in Gridania and looked at the races that would most likely be - Midlander Hyur or Wildwood Elezen. In 1.0 Armi was actually an Elezen, but during beta I didn't like the Female Elezen animations and switched over to Hyur in 2.0.

Same with Loki - I built a pirate captain tough girl and rolled her as a Midlander Hyur in 1.0 because HIGHLANDER FEMALE WASNT A THING. As soon as it was I switched her over.

I built concepts first, then look at which race will fit the concept basically.

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - Melkire - 12-02-2014

Unless there's another race that appeals to me, I usually play as humans in both roleplay and video games. XIV lacks bangaa, so I went with hyur. Midlander specifically, since I wanted something small, agile and nimble to complement the character's background, origins, etc. Only other XIV race I was interested in, Lalafell, I ended up using for an alt.

(12-02-2014, 06:12 PM)Coatleque Wrote: And midlanders looked too scrawny for melee combat.

I'm going to just quote Caine on this. (Fictional character, mind you, written by a relatively-well-versed martial artist)

Quote:Idiots pretending to know something about fighting sometimes say shit like Other things being equal, advantage lies with the longer weapon or Other things being equal, the fighter who strikes first wins. My favorite is Other things being equal, a big man beats a small man.

Know what makes them idiots? Wait. I'll show you.

[The ogrillo] finally commits: with a grunt like a rhino's cough he launches a full lunge, jamming that spear straight for my spine by way of my navel. I slap the spear aside with a clank, and his eyes go wide at the sparks the knife up my left sleeve strikes off his blade.

Before he has the faintest fucking chance to figure out what just happened, I'm spinning toward him along the spear shaft, left hand grabbing his nearside tusk while my right clears the knife past my left cuff, and when his reflexive sideways yank rips his tusk out of my grip, that same yank shows me the back of his skull. So that's where I put the knife.

The blade's only seven inches. The point doesn't quite come out his mouth.

Get it?

"Other things" are never equal.

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - Clover - 12-02-2014

My main character is a hyur midlander because I wanted Clover to be a normal, non special girl.

My alt was a miqo'te because I love making cute characters *falls over*.

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - Mae - 12-02-2014

Highlander females have the best emotes.

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - FreelanceWizard - 12-02-2014

I find the miqo'te lore and how it shapes characters very interesting; it helped me pull together a character concept that I thought would be interesting to play. Thus, L'yhta is miqo'te.

I still have a soft spot in my heart for elezen, though. If I ever spend more than an hour or two on an alt (why must the game be so mean to alts?), I have a few elezen concepts (Flames soldier, spoony bard) that I'd like to play.

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - Berrod Armstrong - 12-02-2014

Because big burly human-like punchman. Yes.

I usually play humans, or the closest thing to them! I enjoy the relatable struggles and the prospect of transplanting humanity into a fantasy universe -- or something close to it!

And also:
[Image: tumblr_nf6i1k0aur1robwlio1_1280.png]

RE: Why Did You Choose Your Character's Race? - Kellach Woods - 12-02-2014

I've had numerous character concepts, but I typically always roll humans as the first thing ever in a game. In so far as why Kell is a Midlander instead of a Highlander?

Highlanders aren't pretty enough.

After that, I create concepts on other races. If the game wasn't mean to alts I'd play my Lala more.