Hydaelyn Role-Players
What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Printable Version

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What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Oli! - 12-19-2014

So, recently it seems that there's been a growing sentiment among many that is something along the lines of "I want to do a thing, but there are no people for me to do it with / no outlet for me to do it in / I don't know what I want to do." Some say that this is because lots of RP is closed off and happens between friends and guild members, while others say that people simply need to be more proactive. Regardless of your stance on the matter, I think that there's a decent short-term way of fixing this.

Namely, more things to do.

So, theoretically, if we set up a little thing that lots of people could have access to, what would people want from it? If lack of RP is a problem that is truly bothering a lot of people, I invite all that wish to to contribute ideas that might lead to some interesting things to do. However, I'd also like to lay down some simple ground-rules:

1.) No super-huge world-changing events. Your idea for Killing Literally Everyone in Ul'dah or reducing the Shroud to a post-apocalyptic wasteland might be cool, but that sort of thing is not for everyone. Some people like to keep their daily activities more or less in line with what the game presents for us, so something so grand that it would have its own chapter in a history book probably wouldn't belong here.

2.) Try and keep it (somewhat) PG. It might be a good plot, but if your idea involves violence, gore and mindscrewing that's so excessive it would make Del Toro and Tarantino throw up all over themselves, or contains something similarly explicit, this probably isn't the place for it either.

Thoughts ideas? Throw them at each other!

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Gegenji - 12-19-2014

I think more regular events like the Grindstone and such occurring in relatively open areas would be good. And I don't just mean have a fighting tournament outside every city once a week, but just things that happen on a regular enough basis with a simple enough concept that people can jump in on it. And in locations where you don't have to remember what plot the related manors are squirreled away at.

The biggest issue with that, I think, is just what you could do. I know I'm drawing a blank as I write this. Hide-and-Seek events? Chocobo races (Boco 500, anyone)? Wilderness survival lessons? Camping trips?

I'm just spitballing ideas at this point, really.

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Kage - 12-19-2014

Bar events. *sage nod*

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Gegenji - 12-19-2014

(12-19-2014, 11:59 AM)Kage Wrote: Bar events. *sage nod*

Ooo! Ooo! Pub quizzes at the Quicksand (or any of the bar areas, really)!

Get Sounsyy or someone to host them and quiz people on the lore and stuff!

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Oli! - 12-19-2014

(12-19-2014, 11:58 AM)Gegenji Wrote: I think more regular events like the Grindstone and such occurring in relatively open areas would be good. And I don't just mean have a fighting tournament outside every city once a week, but just things that happen on a regular enough basis with a simple enough concept that people can jump in on it. And in locations where you don't have to remember what plot the related manors are squirreled away at.

The biggest issue with that, I think, is just what you could do. I know I'm drawing a blank as I write this. Hide-and-Seek events? Chocobo races (Boco 500, anyone)? Wilderness survival lessons? Camping trips?

I'm just spitballing ideas at this point, really.

One of the things that I wanted to do before I left the game for a while was a little experiment called the Weekly Excursion! (yes, with the exclamation point), which basically amounted to hiking / exploration trips that turned into horrible misadventures, like getting captured by Garleans or getting stuck in a cave with ogres.

Never actually happened, but there's another recurring-thing idea.

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Kage - 12-19-2014

It'd be a weekly bar crawl or something.

One week: The three major hubs.



I'm just throwing it out there that it sounds sorta fun xD

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Martiallais - 12-19-2014

I like to mix in a little RP and PvE/world events when possible. Unfortunately (to my nooblet knowledge) you can't time FATEs but incorporating some of the larger/chained ones could be kind of cool.

I'm chewing on a mini-plot idea around disappearing children in Ul'dah (to start at least) that was going to be FC and friends but I wanted to end it with like a multi-team dungeon delve sort of deal to end it. But that's just me, I think this question'll have lots of answers/ideas.

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Warren Castille - 12-19-2014

Regarding bar stuff:

Sit tight, folks. Just... sit tight.

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Berrod Armstrong - 12-19-2014

There's HoD's weekly tavern event for making some casual connections, there's the grindstone for the fighters. Dogberry ran monthly primal events for those with the grand scheme of god-slaying in mind!

I've thought about bullshitting a way to run multiple Labyrinth of the Ancients/Syrcus Tower expeditions, but 24 is a big number. 

What exactly are people looking for? That'd be a good start, I think, finding that out. 

Do you want to be part of a patrol that comes across a street fight or mugging? Do you want to be a pugilist trying to fight his way to the top? Do you want to plumb the depths of a dungeon and come out with treasures and a story to tell? Do you want to go mining and OH NO CAVE IN, SAVE US? Do you want to sit in a bar and chat about current events?

I sort of like to feel these things out before running any sort of plot, and the answers really help craft it!

Though, whatever people come up with, it's gonna need a few people dedicated to running it -- and that's a whole other kettle of fish.

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Warren Castille - 12-19-2014

(12-19-2014, 12:08 PM)Berrod Armstrong Wrote: Do you want to be part of a patrol that comes across a street fight or mugging?

...we need disposable criminals and victims to stage things like this during RP primetimes. It might be a lot of fun to feel like the cop-types are actually copping. It's a lot to ask, though.

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Berrod Armstrong - 12-19-2014

(12-19-2014, 12:10 PM)Warren Castille Wrote:
(12-19-2014, 12:08 PM)Berrod Armstrong Wrote: Do you want to be part of a patrol that comes across a street fight or mugging?

...we need disposable criminals and victims to stage things like this during RP primetimes. It might be a lot of fun to feel like the cop-types are actually copping. It's a lot to ask, though.
MANNNN say the word and I'll dress up Berrod like THUG#2312312 to make some good ol' NPC trouble. I love doing that stuff!

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Oli! - 12-19-2014

(12-19-2014, 12:10 PM)Warren Castille Wrote:
(12-19-2014, 12:08 PM)Berrod Armstrong Wrote: Do you want to be part of a patrol that comes across a street fight or mugging?

...we need disposable criminals and victims to stage things like this during RP primetimes. It might be a lot of fun to feel like the cop-types are actually copping. It's a lot to ask, though.




"Yeah we've got a stolen 'Bo heading northbound on the R-A Sunway, Need immediate airship support."

Black and white Chocobos roll up next to the guy



RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Melkire - 12-19-2014

Bar events, as fun as they are, don't provide anything new or unique. Even themed ones like the Piquant Pumpkin get-togethers are structured similarly: people show up, people purchase drinks, people catch up with one another as if they're at the Quicksand, people disperse.

I'm at a loss at the moment for ideas, but what we should be doing is brainstorming events and venues that provide unique roleplaying opportunities. As Berrod pointed out, you can take the Grindstone as an example, or Dogberry's Primals story arc events.

tl;dr: There's enough sitting/standing around and chatting about ourselves already. There needs to be more getting up, going out and doing things. The only good thing to be said for bar events and the like is that they get people out of the Quicksand and into less frequently used spaces.

This is just one man's opinion.

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Gegenji - 12-19-2014

(12-19-2014, 12:12 PM)Berrod Armstrong Wrote:
(12-19-2014, 12:10 PM)Warren Castille Wrote:
(12-19-2014, 12:08 PM)Berrod Armstrong Wrote: Do you want to be part of a patrol that comes across a street fight or mugging?

...we need disposable criminals and victims to stage things like this during RP primetimes. It might be a lot of fun to feel like the cop-types are actually copping. It's a lot to ask, though.
MANNNN say the word and I'll dress up Berrod like THUG#2312312 to make some good ol' NPC trouble. I love doing that stuff!

I know there's at least one "villainous" FC and/or LS around, and I think they're in the RPC linkshell list?

I'm actually putting together a smaller LS based off an event I did as an NPC for the Red Wings - the Jolly Rogers. Basically, it's a LS for people who want to dress up their characters as goofball, over-the-top showboat pirates who hire themselves out for dirty work. Lovable scamp angle, really. We're not even in double digits yet, but Captain Distractin' could totally help out at whatever port he's sailed into.

... Now that I think about it, the Cap'n fronts with a sailing circus. If I could get a bunch of folks in on that, we could totally try to fake a whole circus event that could happen on a semi-regular basis.

The World's Strongest Lalafell! - Watch him lift an Aldgoat in each hand!

The Painted Miqo'te - Master Seer and Teller of Fortunes!

Man or Gorilla? Come see the hairiest Highlander in Eorzea!

RE: What would people want to see in an Open / Community Centric Plot? - Merri - 12-19-2014

I'm not about to run off and make any promises, but I have been thinking about bringing some of the Blue Skies' old events back around while we work on rebuilding. Delicate subject, though, as the last time we really went public, there was an overwhelming number of people in attendance. While people seemed to enjoy themselves, I felt like not everyone was able to get in on the fun due to a lack of hands. That's always been a big thing. You just never really know how many people are going to show, and where you think you might have 15 or 20, you wind up having like 50 or 60. Or the reverse~

We'll see what happens there, though! They always were quite memorable. Might be fun to bring back some of that good, light-hearted adventure. Like when those gigantoads ate all that gunpowder. Boom.

Doesn't really have anything to do with a plot, but it might throw some variety into the mix.