Hydaelyn Role-Players
The ongoing adventures of Tynik Zahnn, Hero - Printable Version

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The ongoing adventures of Tynik Zahnn, Hero - Canuklehead - 01-09-2015

Days 1 through to current:

It's been such an exciting few days, I finally have a chance to sit down and make notes.  Lets see…  

Day one started on the boat to Limsa Lominsa.  Though not my first time on a boat, it WAS my first time on water on a boat, so that was exciting.  We even got attacked by Pirates!  I can't wait for that to happen again!  After arriving in the city, I was immediately recognized as an adventurer - of course I was.  I am! - and was practically begged to assist the citizenry with their problems.  Not one to let good people down, I registered with the local guilds and began.  .  

Day two…  I think:  I began to learn the ways of the Arcanist, as I explored the land outside of the city - slaying some fiendish rats, man-eating ladybugs, blood-thirsty lambs, and other horrible villains.  I am quite proud of my experiences so far and have even learned to summon an aetherial ally to assist me.  He is an Emerald Carbuncle and we get along quite well together.

Day or two after the previous day(s):  Things did take an interesting turn when a friendly conjurer and I were attacked by a gigantic, rooty plant-like beast.  Some odd things happened…  but who can even remember.  Too much excitement!  I will try to remember to write again soon…  I was recently asked to fight pirates (on land) so I shouldn't waste time.  People need me!

Interesting things seen:
1) A friendly fellow riding a fat chocobo. (Cheered me on - likely recognized me as a hero)
2) Many gigantic, rooty plant-like things.
3) A woman in a really pretty pink dress and hat
4) A huge lighthouse with a big glowey point at the top
5) So many people!

RE: The ongoing adventures of Tynik Zahnn, Hero - Canuklehead - 01-12-2015

The next few days:

Firstly, Carbuncle and I successfully slew those scoundrel pirates I mentioned on the last page.  We barely broke a sweat and I was beginning to think that this might actually be a rather boring nation for a person of my heroic caliber.  However, not long after that thought crossed my mind, things got a lot more interesting… 

My glowey blueish cohort and I were aiding a crew of reformed pirates from a local farming community - helpfully tracking down someone that I have forgotten, but am sure was important - when we were ambushed by the largest clay-man monster I have ever seen!  And unlike the last one I saw, this one was very real!  It was a fierce battle with spells and clay flying everywhere - but I returned to the pirate-farmers, dirty but triumphant!

Day 4:  I believe it's day four, though I'm honestly not sure.  It's likely more, as days pass quicker than I notice - but 4 is a good number to re-start a count at, and so day 4 it is.  Anyway, recognition!  Word of my triumphs must be spreading, because the moment Carbuncle and I returned to the adventuring guild that I previously registered with, I was met with such fanfare!  The fellow behind the desk who's name and title escape me, was so impressed with me that he practically handed me free-reign over his establishment and free-lodging to boot!  I, of course, was hesitant to accept being tied down to any one spot in particular…  but after being practically begged to stay and help save them from the future troubles that they expect to be getting into, I accepted.  These folk are starting to understand the value of having a hero like me around, and I cannot deny them that pleasure.  Nor can one sleep on dirt and stone forever!

Interesting things seen:
1) A very large clay-man monster
2) Huge Windmills the size of castles
3) A friendly adventurer wearing a suspicious amount of leather
4) Some very large toads
5) A cat-lady wearing practically nothing!

RE: The ongoing adventures of Tynik Zahnn, Hero - Canuklehead - 01-14-2015

Day 5 and thereabouts:

It was a relatively uneventful day.  I don't think I slew, maimed or killed a single thing.  Unless you count fish…  in which case, I slew a whole lot.  Though uninteresting, it was an important day for a hero like me.  Along with the invitation to stay in the city's inn, I was also told that I could join any other guild I desired.  I assume it's because my heroics are in such high demand that it would be unfair not to allow me to assist elsewhere.

First, the Fisherman's Guild (and the slaying of fish).  It is as it sounds like - I was given a pole and told to go fish.  A simple enough (if not utterly boring) task and, if my contributions made a difference in the lives and quotas of the city's fishery-stuff, then it was worth every moment.  

Next, I ran off to be a cook.  While also introducing myself to the local Blacksmith and Armourer.  Naturally, I was gifted at everything I tried and was practically begged to stay and help.  And while I did spend a good long portion of the day cooking and armouring and blacksmithing, I still have bigger fish to fry, so to speak.  

Adventure calls!

Interesting things seen:
1) A lot of really big ships
2) An entire city built on tall rocks and planks
3) A fun looking, flying toy ship following around a very large man-beast
4) A fish that was so big, to most accurately describe it's length I would have to hold one hand stretched all the way out to one side - and the other hand all the way out to the other side!  (I caught it, by the way)

RE: The ongoing adventures of Tynik Zahnn, Hero - Canuklehead - 01-18-2015

Day 6 or 7ish:

I'm beginning to get the impression that pirates are a serious problem around this place.  Which is interesting considering how few boats I've actually been on, so far. 

Just today, Carbuncle and I foiled a pirate plot to explode a really, really big ship - not even in water, it was just sitting there on land being built.  Then, not long after that, we uncovered an plot to explode everything ever... a plot being plotted by tattoo-faced pirates - who were, interestingly enough, the same pirates that were messing around near that filthy clay-man monster from earlier.  And if Pirates weren't enough, we were even forced to fight off a masked mage and his pet demon!

Anyway, it was a day full of heroic adventures from which Carbuncle and I triumphed - naturally.  And while it was all in a day's work, even the Admiral of Limsa Lominsa herself came out to thank me personally and announce a celebratory feast in my honour!  I'm very much looking forward to that!

Interesting things seen:
1) A very large ship
2) A very large demon
3) A very large pirate
4) A very small mole beating up on a very innocent adventurer (I rescued him with some healing magic!)