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Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Printable Version

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Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Desu Nee - 01-30-2015

[Image: Thanalan_ARR_01.jpg]

I...can't do it anymore. Gotta rest...

Being an adventurer isn't never easy, specially when you got so many problems. One of them is having albinism against the unrelenting sun and unforgiving sand in the arid region of Thanalan. It was simply a courier job, one she done relatively well, but the way back was more complicated, what with being attacked every once in a while by bandits and wild animals because you are doing the big mistake of wandering alone in such a region. She fended herself off, but again...she really is quite fragile.
Moaning in pain and shoving her body against a rock to provide the smallest shade, she sits and softly massages her face, which is a bit irritated and in some points bleeding due to the effects of the sand. She hated this, she hated it all...curling a bit to get the most of the shade, she takes off her left boot and tilts a bit, a small but constant stream of sand spilling back to the desert.

( Kinda with bad internet right now, so doing here. Replies welcome even...if it's kinda in the middle of nowhere >.> )

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Gegenji - 01-30-2015

"C'mon, Avenger! Go, go, go!"

This day found Chachanji darting across the Thanalan stretches on his little Chocobo, Avenger. After his thrilling race with Ms. Roen, he had found himself often wanting to go out and go full tilt from astride his bird. It was probably why he had started taking more delivery-style jobs from Ms. Momodi, so he can have an excuse to do that very thing.

The two were stampeding back from such a task now, in fact. He had been tasked with relaying some paperwork to a mining site in place of a sick courier, so he had gathered up his bird and a snack or two for the trip, and set out on his way. Now he was returning triumphantly, hoping to make it back almost as quickly as he had made it there.

... At least, that had been the original plan. He had almost missed her, her white hair and skin almost blending in with the endless stretches of light tan. The fact that she was propped up against a rock gave her a stark contrast, however, as well as her clothing. He found himself slowing curiously as the gap between them lessened, and with the blur of motion dampened some... he notes spots of red on her raw, ivory-hued face.

"Um... h-haldo there, are ya akay?" the youngest Gegenji queried as he pulled his bird to a complete stop next to her, the albeit small bird's bulk adding just a bit more shade for the pale-hued Lalafell.

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Desu Nee - 01-30-2015


She looks up to the individual, and blinks a bit. It takes her a while to process his question, but she looks at herself, and chuckles a bit...yeah she looks really like a mess. She could really use a chocobo. She looks at him and tries to clean her face, and at least look barely presentable.

Oh...yeah, sorry, just taking a bit of a rest! The sun has been quite unforgiving today, more than unusual.

She waves her hands a bit dismissively...

Did a courier trade for Ms. Momodo, but I really don't have a chocobo so had to go by foot.

She gazes at the bird completely jealous...she really could use a Chocobo. Specially here, albeit the sand would probably hit even harder, but she wouldn't deny the mobility would be wonders, it's quite hard moving long distances when you got such short feet.

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Gegenji - 01-30-2015

"A rest, huh? Um, well, a-anythin' I can do ta halp out? L-looks like yer bleedin' a little bit there." Even as he spoke, he urged Avenger to squat down some to make his dismount easier. "I, uh, I do errands fer Ms. Momodi too... so we gots ta look out fer each other, right?"

He didn't have any bandages or anything like that, but little bumps and scrapes were what the dumbed-down version on Physick his brother taught him was for. He was almost in the middle of doing the motions for it when he caught himself. It was... probably for the best to get an okay for doing that sort of thing, huh? He'd gotten himself into trouble enough for being too helpful... but he was still ready to use that Physick of his regardless.

"Um... I also have some water 'n snacks... if'n that's more yer thing," he offered shortly after, his violet eyes flitting to his seated bird. His snacks were, in truth, more of his beloved Yellow Drops. Probably not the best snack to bring for desert travel, but he always carried some around. If not for himself, then for those who were in the mood for a nice burst of lemony flavor.

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Desu Nee - 01-30-2015

Well, generosity wasn't a thing she saw really often...except from Ms. Momodo of course. She looks a bit surprised, as she puts her boot back and takes off the other, letting another small stream of sand fall off.
If you don't really mind...I am kind of thirsty.

One would think it was rude of her to accept but even if she's young, Ququki has to be pragmatic. Excessive Honor doesn't give you water and food. She takes a long look at the other Lala, before speaking.

But before that can I have your name. I really would like to know the name of my "savior"

She giggles a bit, beginning to wear her other boot back.

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Gegenji - 01-30-2015

Chachan gives another worried glance towards the scrapes and such on her face, but ultimately fishes out his waterskin from one of the saddlebags strapped to Avenger. They were a relatively new purchase for him, but the guy at the stall had been just so persuasive about them! And he could carry all sorts of neat stuff in them too!

Right now, along with the waterskin and some more... tangible snack choices like a sack of dried jerky, he also had an extra smith's hammer and a few other odds and ends he had ended up collecting in the bags like a Qirin. It looked not unlike a weekend camping bag that had been childishly stuffed with anything that Chachanji might find even remotely useful for the trip.

"A-ah, right, that's... prolly a good idea, yeah," he admitted with a nervous chuckle. He was still so bad with introducing himself before trying to help folks out. Always led to these sort of awkward exchanges too. He tried to smooth it over a bit by handing over the waterskin as he continued. "Th' name's Chachanji - Chachanji Gegenji, nice ta meetcha."

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Desu Nee - 01-30-2015

Ququki Quki.

She mouths a thanks, before tilting her head and the waterskin, the refreshning liquid running down her throat...it's funny how thirst give value to such little things like water. She actually packed water for herself but hey, that means she doesn't have to use her own canteen.

She stops drinking, and looks at it for some seconds, before handing back the waterskin.

Hmm, I recognize this style of name...you're from the East of Thanalan?

She tilts her head, a bit curious, and gets up, still holding the waterskin.

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Gegenji - 01-30-2015

"A-ah, nice ta meetcha, Ms. Ququki," he replied awkwardly as he retrieved the waterskin from her. "Me Mama's actually from Ul'dah. I'm... err... not. Though I've been livin' there fer a couple'a moons now."

Speaking about his heritage was still a bit of a touchy thing. He still could recall way too easily that other lady Lalafell that had gotten on him and berated his homeland when he let slip the knowledge of his Doman heritage. He had since had several occasions where people had found out his Othard roots and been completely fine with it - one of them being a former Garlean, in fact! - but he still felt this niggling urge to keep quiet about it around strangers.

"Ya feelin' better, now?" he asked as she stood up, standing a couple ilms taller that the stout, stocky little Dunesfolk. His violet gaze remained on her own crimson orbs regardless, though they did detour to her scrapes now and again. "Th' offer ta halp wit those scrapes is still open if'n ya want it, by th' by."

Behind him, Avenger trilled and got back to his feet, eager to shake some of the sand out from his feathers.

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Desu Nee - 01-30-2015

Ah, it would be nice...

Ququki holds her head a bit, grimancing. Yeah, a small headache coming, probably the sen, Making a click with her tongue, she looks a bit beyond the horizon...

How close are we from some...settlement or maybe Ul'dah. I admit I got a bit lost, I've been just following the road and hoping it would lead me somewhere.

She sighs, straightening her clothes, and rubbing her left hands on her face. Even if he healed, it would be simply temporary. It's not even the result of the bandits or wild animals and more of the effects of the desert on her frail being. The fact he still haven't asked why she looks as such is at least nice, she really dislikes explaining her condition.

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Gegenji - 01-31-2015

"Ah, a-akay, hold still, then," the green-haired Dunesfolk murmured, drawing the simplified Physick spell seemingly in the air. Healing aether coalesced around his fingertips as he seemed to wipe it away at the end, as if he had swiped his little hands through a jar of blue-white jelly. It was with these glowing fingertips that he traced lightly over the scrapes, which would slowly mend themselves shut in their passing. Perhaps it would only be temporary, but its fairly obvious that Chachan himself was not much of a forward-thinker.

"Settlement?" the youngest Gegenji murmured thoughtfully as the last line of crimson faded away on her pale face. "Err... w-well, I was jus' headin' straight back ta Ul'dah, but I think Black Brush ain't too far from here. It'd be... err... a bit cramped, but I could give ya a lift on Avenger."

The Lalafell's violet gaze turned to his bird. Avenger, oblivious to the promises being made about him, was busy trying to get a few stubborn granules of sand out of his wing with his beak. When he felt his owner's gaze on him, he perked up and gave a cheerful "wark." The Chocobo was quite small - though appropriate for someone as diminutive as Chachanji - and it would indeed mean being clumped almost uncomfortably close together if Ququki were to take him up on his offer.

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Desu Nee - 01-31-2015

She took a long look at the bird, measuring him and the space she would have. Indeed, it would be fairly crampled, but beggars can't be choosers. She really didn't want him to carry her to Ul'dah, that would be just abusing generosity.

Beggars can't be choosers, Chachanji.

She stands up, and holds her hands behind her, tilting forward.

Albeit you're being suspiciously nice. I'm really sorry for the sudden rudeness, but can you prove me you're just getting the next slave for the ring? It's Ul'dah, everyone can be bought for the right amount of coin.

She narrows her eyes, holding her small staff behind her back. Half of her really doubted this Lala really had any bad intention on her head, but if she learned one thing of her life as a refugee is really not trust situations that are too good.

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Gegenji - 01-31-2015

"S-slave!?" Chachan repeated in surprise, for surprise was exactly how he felt about such an assumption. He hadn't even considered that sort of thing - he saw someone hurt on the side of the road and had wanted to help. Did... did slavers actually do that sort of thing? It brought a frown to the Lalafell's lips before he shook his head to dismiss such thoughts from his mind.

"I'm... I jus' like ta halp people, is all," he admitted, rather lamely. "I'm trainin' ta be a Paladin ta do just that, 'n I do odds 'n ends fer Ms. Momodi to halp folkses in other ways. Though... I... I 'spose I have no way ta prove that, huh? At least, not out here in th' middle'a nowhere."

He looked a little dejected, perhaps at his own inability to prove his trustworthiness. He glanced away from her, his violet gaze on the horizon as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Behind him, Avenger returned to picking the bits of sand out of his wings.

"I..." he paused. "I... guess ya'd jus' hafta trust me."

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Desu Nee - 01-31-2015

Leave me with your sack of bits until we reach Ul'dah.

She smirks a bit, raising her eyebrowns, and giving a little smack sound with her tongue.

Bandits don't really trust anyone besides themselves, so if you let me hold your sack of gil, that's proof enough that you really meant well. If you do any turn I don't like I'll just melt the gil into liquid gold.

It's...harsh, she has to admit, but something this underage thaumaturge adventurer learned very soon in her life is to look at a Free Chocobo's Beak. Holding her hand, she keeps smirking.

I'm sorry if I sound really harsh but...I really got bad experiences with trust.

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Gegenji - 02-01-2015

"M-my what!?" Chachan asked initially, curious to her initial phrasing. Once she clarified what she had meant, he gave her a little sad look not too far removed from one might see on a freshly kicked puppy. Still, he shuffled about his person before finally producing a small pouch.

"If... if that's what it takes ta get me ta halp ya..." he bemoaned, offering the little bag to her. "I don't think ya'd be able ta get enough fer even an ingot, though."

True to his word, the pouch was almost pathetically light. He had been living hand to mouth since arriving to Ul'dah, and that had been exacerbated when he brought Gran under his care. The dwindling resources were stretched even more when he started making small trips to help feed the refugees outside the city walls. So, even with him finally thinking there was some merit to his father's words and start actually selling the armor and weapon pieces he could forge to friends and allies... he was still living only slightly above poverty himself.

"That better?"

RE: Sand in my shoes [ OPEN ] - Desu Nee - 02-01-2015

...{ What a cutie } Very well, but I still got my eye on you!

She climbs on the Chocobo, holding on his back.

Let's go?