A Coalition of Free Companies seem to be Gathering.
Hydaelyn Protector's, Outriders and Knights of Eorzea had requested special permits to utilize the hamlet of Summerford as a grounds to meet one and another late in the evening. Here Deahfel Pharasma, Naomi Kett and Ryslo Suramlo seem to stir their respected organizations into a fervor of activity to bring to light some commonality they had with one and another. This unifying display was encouraging for the future of Eorzea as the Organizations seem to blend with one and another.Â
Deahfel Pharasma, was responsible for the Organization of the Contest of Martial and Aetherial strength. Taking sign ups, forming brackets and communicating the rules of this contest.
Naomi Kett, was responsible for putting on display a demonstration of skill. In this demonstration she hoped to bring to light technique's that can be harnessed by blending varying skills together to create unique and unpredictable styles.
Ryslo Suramlo, was responsible for tending to the score keeping of the Contest as well as reporting the victor's. He was also responsible for overseeing the medical care to any contestants that may have been hurt during the intended 'bouts.
When the Contest was started there were three rounds with the competitor's rotating to compete against a different competitor each round. When three hits were confirmed the pairs would report the Victor and a tally would be taken. At the end of this contest of strength a final Victor was declared. It seems Avelyn Wrynn, of the Knights of Eorzea became the First Champion of this newly formed coalition after all was said and done. She was presented with a Silver Chalice that had etched on its surface the names of the three groups as well as specific gem's that represented them.Â
Overall the impression of the evening was what came of it. These three organizations seem to have come together for common goals and in return they seem to have fostered a positive change; one this reporter is happy to convey as new's has been stark of late of ill tidings and foreboding.
- Reporter on Scene
Shau Lhau.
K N I G H T S - O F - E O R Z E A [ C L I C K - H E R E - F O R - W E B S I T E ]
A Roleplay Community Focused on the Idealism's of Knighthoods and Serving the Greater Good
A Roleplay Community Focused on the Idealism's of Knighthoods and Serving the Greater Good