I am brand new to FFXIV and still trying to gauge whether it's the right place for me. So far, I'm enjoying the gameplay aspect quite a bit. Now I need to figure out what the RP side of life looks like.
My MMO resume goes from WoW to City of Heroes (still my favorite) to Aion to Champions Online to The Secret World. I'm still varying degrees of active in TSW and CO. I got started RPing in CoH and have kept at it since. I like a medium to heavy experience - balanced between enjoying the game as a game and as a world - and have learned to absolutely love consequences in RP. My favorite experiences also usually involve blending in-game with forum-based stuff. Literacy for the win and all that rot.
I found this place by googling "ffxiv rp". It's been very useful so far just for reading up on lore and the community. I'm currently mulling over a potential character, though he's still somewhat hazy while I get my bearings in a VERY different setting than I'm used to. He's a Duskwight (which based on what I've read suffers from something of a lore vacuum) who left the Shroud for <reasons> and discovered (or merely began feeding) a passion for learning and the arcane arts. Knowledge for knowledge's sake. Neverending quest to know all the things. Strong enough to overcome his general disinterest in speaking to sentient beings.
I think that covers most of the suggested data. I'm eager to see what all is out there!
My MMO resume goes from WoW to City of Heroes (still my favorite) to Aion to Champions Online to The Secret World. I'm still varying degrees of active in TSW and CO. I got started RPing in CoH and have kept at it since. I like a medium to heavy experience - balanced between enjoying the game as a game and as a world - and have learned to absolutely love consequences in RP. My favorite experiences also usually involve blending in-game with forum-based stuff. Literacy for the win and all that rot.
I found this place by googling "ffxiv rp". It's been very useful so far just for reading up on lore and the community. I'm currently mulling over a potential character, though he's still somewhat hazy while I get my bearings in a VERY different setting than I'm used to. He's a Duskwight (which based on what I've read suffers from something of a lore vacuum) who left the Shroud for <reasons> and discovered (or merely began feeding) a passion for learning and the arcane arts. Knowledge for knowledge's sake. Neverending quest to know all the things. Strong enough to overcome his general disinterest in speaking to sentient beings.
I think that covers most of the suggested data. I'm eager to see what all is out there!