Hello! Relatively new player here; I started playing the game last month when it was on sale on Steam. I had initially begun my adventures on Cerberus, but after I realised that both NA and European data centres are in the same area, I figured it was a great opportunity to peek into the RP community. I may yet transfer my 'main' character, but for now I created yet another miqo'te to flood Balmung with! But I am not alone in doing so, oh no. First things first, though.
MMORPG background? My first MMO was Lineage II, I think. Since then, I dabbled in and/or extensively played Ragnarok Online, EverQuest II, EVE Online, Age of Conan, The Secret World, World of Warcraft (mostly Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria), Champions Online, Neverwinter (2013), Dungeons & Dragons Online, Vindictus, Guild Wars 1 and 2, aaand an unfortunately tiny pinch of FFXI.
I normally don't RP in video games, but I spent a sinfully large amount of RP hours (read: years) into Neverwinter Nights player-run servers. My RP experience is thus mostly formed by that, although I've started with MSN chatrooms in... late 90s/early 00's. Then they became paid for, and I shifted to IMs and consequently Neverwinter Nights. Recently, I had also discovered MU*s. Better late than never, right? Even though I hardly RP'd in MMOs, I still want to give it a 'proper' shot.
The character idea I have is not an independent one, so to speak. This character is one of two that I and my partner have spontaneously thought of - a young thrill-seeking miqo'te with a fairly more level-headed conjurer of a brother. 'Tis but a foundation, but we've already settled on some background choices, such as a modestly successful carpenter for a father, himself a fairly calm individual. My own miqo'te, Rhuya, is good with a lance and a bow, not quite excelling at either despite contradicting ambitions. She loves following the tales of adventures, suffering from a strong wanderlust herself and the desire to have her own epic stories to tell, which often leads her out of Gridania and into trouble. A hurricane of whimsical wants, it's a fortunate happenstance her brother understands the wind.
How did I learn about the coalition? While searching for RP possibilities in FFXIV. I was a little disappointed when I discovered that there are few opportunities to do so on European-designated servers, but it took me... what, twoish weeks to find out that thing about data centres. Cue immediate urge to make an RP-oriented character.
In terms of RP 'intensity', it's really hard to say. I've done everything between light and heavy. I've done quickfire conversations in inn rooms and also sprawling, collaboratively written plots. I am as flexible as I am fickle! If I had to pin a label on myself, I'd say I'm looking for heavy RP. Ultimately, I believe only time will tell what 'category' I belong to.
As for real life matters, I am from Europe. I originally hail from Eastern Europe and have recently immigrated to the Netherlands, in great part due to my relationship. My gaming hours will generally be leaning towards the eve, which is to say late afternoons and evenings for North America, although I do stay up sometimes. I also feel it's worthy noting that my partner and I are not going to be the kind to go everywhere together. It's just easier to enter terra incognito with someone else beside you. Our characters will have a strong familial bond, but they are independent entities.
Woah, that was far longer than I originally intended! Apologies. In short, I am really looking forward to meeting the kaleidoscopic plethora of players within this community and hopefully become a fixture in this lovely place.
Well, that was my introduction. Onto part two!
MMORPG background? My first MMO was Lineage II, I think. Since then, I dabbled in and/or extensively played Ragnarok Online, EverQuest II, EVE Online, Age of Conan, The Secret World, World of Warcraft (mostly Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria), Champions Online, Neverwinter (2013), Dungeons & Dragons Online, Vindictus, Guild Wars 1 and 2, aaand an unfortunately tiny pinch of FFXI.
I normally don't RP in video games, but I spent a sinfully large amount of RP hours (read: years) into Neverwinter Nights player-run servers. My RP experience is thus mostly formed by that, although I've started with MSN chatrooms in... late 90s/early 00's. Then they became paid for, and I shifted to IMs and consequently Neverwinter Nights. Recently, I had also discovered MU*s. Better late than never, right? Even though I hardly RP'd in MMOs, I still want to give it a 'proper' shot.
The character idea I have is not an independent one, so to speak. This character is one of two that I and my partner have spontaneously thought of - a young thrill-seeking miqo'te with a fairly more level-headed conjurer of a brother. 'Tis but a foundation, but we've already settled on some background choices, such as a modestly successful carpenter for a father, himself a fairly calm individual. My own miqo'te, Rhuya, is good with a lance and a bow, not quite excelling at either despite contradicting ambitions. She loves following the tales of adventures, suffering from a strong wanderlust herself and the desire to have her own epic stories to tell, which often leads her out of Gridania and into trouble. A hurricane of whimsical wants, it's a fortunate happenstance her brother understands the wind.
How did I learn about the coalition? While searching for RP possibilities in FFXIV. I was a little disappointed when I discovered that there are few opportunities to do so on European-designated servers, but it took me... what, twoish weeks to find out that thing about data centres. Cue immediate urge to make an RP-oriented character.
In terms of RP 'intensity', it's really hard to say. I've done everything between light and heavy. I've done quickfire conversations in inn rooms and also sprawling, collaboratively written plots. I am as flexible as I am fickle! If I had to pin a label on myself, I'd say I'm looking for heavy RP. Ultimately, I believe only time will tell what 'category' I belong to.
As for real life matters, I am from Europe. I originally hail from Eastern Europe and have recently immigrated to the Netherlands, in great part due to my relationship. My gaming hours will generally be leaning towards the eve, which is to say late afternoons and evenings for North America, although I do stay up sometimes. I also feel it's worthy noting that my partner and I are not going to be the kind to go everywhere together. It's just easier to enter terra incognito with someone else beside you. Our characters will have a strong familial bond, but they are independent entities.
Woah, that was far longer than I originally intended! Apologies. In short, I am really looking forward to meeting the kaleidoscopic plethora of players within this community and hopefully become a fixture in this lovely place.
Well, that was my introduction. Onto part two!