The "Radiance" Free Company is organizing a huge banquet for the last day of a Realm Reborn before early access, "Aura Banquet"
Every one on Balmung server is invited to join us for drinks, bath, dance and talk at our FC house (Plot 2, 1 Ward, Mist). Some fun activities will be organized.
from 7pm to 9pm EST, we will have banquet at the house. then from 9pm to 10pm we will go on the beach all together and launch sparkles to do a firework, and take screen captures.
Join us, invite your friends, invite the friends of your friends. RP players are more than welcome
Every one on Balmung server is invited to join us for drinks, bath, dance and talk at our FC house (Plot 2, 1 Ward, Mist). Some fun activities will be organized.
from 7pm to 9pm EST, we will have banquet at the house. then from 9pm to 10pm we will go on the beach all together and launch sparkles to do a firework, and take screen captures.
Join us, invite your friends, invite the friends of your friends. RP players are more than welcome