Hey there, thought I may try this here as well (SORRY IF THIS IS THE WRONG PLACE FOR IT), this is just a flat copy paste from my reddit thread as well, just trying to get visibility.Â
I am seeking a raid group that is on a4s (last phase or enrage). Â I've seen 3-4% enrage on A4S and my raid group is about to possibly disband (Tank wants to quit, Leader/Bard has RL job that may prohibit any consistent raid schedule) and have been warned to look for a static just in case.
I used to be with Unreal Aussies of Behemoth, even as someone living in Canada on the east coast I woke up at 3-4 am and raided for 3 hours every day except friday morning and sunday morning so you know I am (crazy) dedicated.
I bring solid DPS and usually am not the one responsible for a wipe more than thrice a night during progression. I have ALL the gear barring my i210 weapon so don't have to worry about giving anything to the new dragoon. Cleared A3S when less than 10 groups on Behemoth had cleared (or atleast announced it)
I am looking for a group that progresses aggressively but I am NOT looking for server first, and especially NOT world first progression groups.
Please contact me/ IM me.
I REALLY want to remain on Behemoth Server or go to Balmung.Â
I am seeking a raid group that is on a4s (last phase or enrage). Â I've seen 3-4% enrage on A4S and my raid group is about to possibly disband (Tank wants to quit, Leader/Bard has RL job that may prohibit any consistent raid schedule) and have been warned to look for a static just in case.
I used to be with Unreal Aussies of Behemoth, even as someone living in Canada on the east coast I woke up at 3-4 am and raided for 3 hours every day except friday morning and sunday morning so you know I am (crazy) dedicated.
I bring solid DPS and usually am not the one responsible for a wipe more than thrice a night during progression. I have ALL the gear barring my i210 weapon so don't have to worry about giving anything to the new dragoon. Cleared A3S when less than 10 groups on Behemoth had cleared (or atleast announced it)
I am looking for a group that progresses aggressively but I am NOT looking for server first, and especially NOT world first progression groups.
Please contact me/ IM me.
I REALLY want to remain on Behemoth Server or go to Balmung.Â