(01-07-2016, 02:12 PM)Qhora Bajihri Wrote: I don't know. Babies are pretty parasitic, especially early. They attach and feed like any other separate yet internal creature. If a person can show up on the other end of a teleportation spell with all of their fleas and worms and lice and biological entities separate from themselves that cause harm and/or keep them alive like intestinal bacterial colonies, they can probably show up with their baby. So then there's the question of whether teleportation works like a decontamination and every "life" separate from the teleporter is subsequently removed.
As far as we know, babies still have souls, even when they are very small. So, unlike lice or fleas, they have the added difficulty that when you travel the lifestream, their soul could be lost along the way, which would almost certainly lead to miscarriage.