How would you feel if classes were removed from the game and the only thing players were referred to was as jobs? As in, no more pugilist or arcanists, just monk and summoner.
I'm not sure what to think of it. I started the game as a pugilist in gridania way back in 1.0. While I don't play pugilist now because the content makes it necessary to be a monk, I don't think I'd appreciate it, not in some way like ilvl and stats, but I'd feel something about my character would be lost, whitewashed over and replaced with "nope! she's the warrior of light and has always been the warrior of light", as if she never existed in the seventh umbral era.
What would you think if classes were removed, would it affect things for you as well?
I'm not sure what to think of it. I started the game as a pugilist in gridania way back in 1.0. While I don't play pugilist now because the content makes it necessary to be a monk, I don't think I'd appreciate it, not in some way like ilvl and stats, but I'd feel something about my character would be lost, whitewashed over and replaced with "nope! she's the warrior of light and has always been the warrior of light", as if she never existed in the seventh umbral era.
What would you think if classes were removed, would it affect things for you as well?