Not to be confused with the "Your character as a party member" thread! I've fallen in love with the Vath quests and the Vath Deftarm, and decided that I would have in in my party if this were a classic RPG. Then I thought:
What if your character were the main character in a classic JRPG? Which NPCs from the FFXIV world would fill out your party? Pick 2–3 NPCs to join you on your adventure. Be realistic, though! Kan-E-Senna is unlikely to leave Gridania to follow you around, or the Scions have bigger fish to fry.
Alderique Valeriant
What if your character were the main character in a classic JRPG? Which NPCs from the FFXIV world would fill out your party? Pick 2–3 NPCs to join you on your adventure. Be realistic, though! Kan-E-Senna is unlikely to leave Gridania to follow you around, or the Scions have bigger fish to fry.
Alderique Valeriant