I've been thinking about this one for a while, but have been so lazy busy that I didn't put up this thought provoking little prompt.
It's really quite simple. Your character meets the various protagonists of the FF numbered series! How do they interact with them, how do they behave, what happens, what goes on? You can pick one character for interaction or you can pick them all! Everything goes!
For more funs, you can even write out a nice IC piece about it!
Remember though! Main numbered series only, and protagonists only! So no side series, spin offs etc, and no sword lessons from Steiner, no sky piratey discussions with Balthier, and no swimming with Rikku, etc!
And as always, have fun!
It's really quite simple. Your character meets the various protagonists of the FF numbered series! How do they interact with them, how do they behave, what happens, what goes on? You can pick one character for interaction or you can pick them all! Everything goes!
For more funs, you can even write out a nice IC piece about it!
Remember though! Main numbered series only, and protagonists only! So no side series, spin offs etc, and no sword lessons from Steiner, no sky piratey discussions with Balthier, and no swimming with Rikku, etc!
And as always, have fun!