(03-13-2014, 01:26 AM)TheLastCandle Wrote: Don't knock FFVIII! Far from my favorite, but it was a fun game. Easy to break, though. Abusing the junction system + enemies scaling with level is funnnnnn.
As for FFX.. on one hand, I hate that it was so linear, and I hate Tidus as a main character. On the other, I really liked the battle system and a few of the characters (Auron, Kimahri, Lulu) and I'm one of those crazy people who actually had fun with the Blitzball minigame.
Not sure if I'm going to bite on the remake, but it's tempting. In the meantime, FFXV does look like it's going to be decent. Ironically, I always thought it was looked similar in overall presentation to FFVIII based on trailers.
Visually, FFVIII was an excellent game. They made some HUGE improvements over FFVII in that regard. What I didn't like about it was the fact that Squall was, in my mind, the most boring and least compelling hero in Final Fantasy history. Also, junctioning was just a bad concept all around. If you use magic then your characters get weaker. In addition to that, junctioning powerful magic makes you essentially invincible if you want to spend countless hours stockpiling. No thanks!
I didn't like Tidus as a main character, either, but he was an improvement over Squall. I did think that blitzball sucked but I'm not a big fans of mini games in general. The combat for FFX was okay for all 10 minutes that you actually got to play the game instead of watching an endless string of cutscenes.