Greetings everyone and welcome to "The NET Hosts: Costa del Sol Beach Party for Eorzean Free Companies" Part I! With the coming of Stormblood just around the corner, the Netlink of Eorzean Taverns, will be hosting a pow-wow event for all free companies (on the Balmung server). Both roleplayers and non-roleplayers, raiders and non-raiders, casuals and hardcore players are invited to join us at this coming to an end of the expansion party. Please note that while this event is meant for free companies, those who are not in a free company are also welcome to attend as well. This event will be happening onSaturday, May 27, 2017 between 9am to 9pm Pacific Time at Costa Del Sol. Please understand that while the event is from 9am to 9pm Pacific Time, the majority of the activities scheduled for this event is listed below. Please come and relax, chat, meet people and socialize on the beaches of Costa del Sol!
Activities & Events Schedule - Hours are set to Pacific Time
9:00am - Opening Announcments
9:00am-12pm - Beach Hangout + FATE Parties + Levequests + Other Party Festivities (Non-Roleplay)
1:00pm-2:00pm - Lalafell Hide & Seek
3:00pm-9:00pm - Beach Hangout + FATE Parties + Levequests + Other Party Festivities (Non-Roleplay)
5:00pm-9:00pm - Costa del Sol Tiki Bar: Tavern Roleplay (Duration depends on roleplay activity.)
9:00pm - Closing Announcements
~*~ Activities & Events ~*~
Beach Hangout + FATE Parties + Levequests (Beach Party Festivities) - The NET welcomes everyone to hang out on the beach join in on the party festivities on this wonderful summer day, Come dressed in your swimsuits, put on some sunblock and have fun in the sand or out in the waves. SURFS UP!
Lalafell Hide & Seek - Five Lalafells are hidden throughout Eastern La Noscea each holding a token that is precious to them. Please collect these precious tokens and invite the Lalafells to join the summer beach party. Each token that is found will be worth 10k gil each totaling 50k gil if all five is found. The first person to return with all five tokens and select Trade with me wins the game and will have the 50k amount doubled for a grand total of 100k gil. There will be a chance to win a as a Timeworm Dragonskin Map as an extra prize after the game. Please understand that if there aren't five Lalafells hiding, the prizes may be truncated. Good luck to all participants!
~* List of Hiding Lalafells *~
- Lonely Explorer: Table Salt
- Bahoy Dalahoy: Twinthread
- Raspberry Pie: Walnut Cane
- Table Cloth: Perfect Cloth
- Xethas Kurade: Leather Wristbands
Twelve's Tavern Tiki Bar: Tavern Roleplay - Chef Dyrstweitz of the Flying Shark has kindly granted permission for the renting of his space to host the Twelve's Tavern Tiki Bar. Along with a the generous donation and support of Master Gegeruju, all drinks, food and additional expenses are free and fully paid for. There will be music, dancing and even campfire stories. Enjoy this festive and relaxing venue as an end to a long and exhausting day. Happy hunting and safe adventuring!