I. Basic InfoÂ
II. RP StyleÂ
III. Other InfoÂ
- Characters:Toumwilf Aerstsyn
- Linkshells:None at the moment
- Primary RP linkshell:None at the moment
II. RP StyleÂ
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
- I'd probably say medium. If i'm ingame, more often than not I am in character, however I am not opposed to OOC play from time to time.
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
- Injuries add from time to time, especially in storyline events. Rp combat generally is too messy from my past experiences, and it's too easy to get muddled. If the situation calls for it, it's okay - but do it in a fair fashion. Playing around is okay too, since usually that is not taken seriously.
- Views on IC romance:
- Not opposed, but not openly looking to get involved ICly. If it happens for Toumwilf, then good for him.
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
- I think it deepens immersion for others, so go for it.
- Views on lore:
- I need to familiarize myself more with lore of Hydaelyn, which will come with time. I haven't been in FFXIV very long!
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
- All are fine - makes the game less lonely!
III. Other InfoÂ
- Country:USA
- Timezone:EST
- Contact info:You can reach me ingame, here, or on my blog!
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