This will be my topic to ask for guidance on developing sensible character attributes, I'll only be doing light-RP as my prime goal is just well, end-game content, but I digress.
For starters... I need a last name, badly, I can't even play without it. And I also apologize if this is the wrong board to ask for help on these kinds of things.
Now, on all games I've rped on, I've typically gone by one name and one name only, just Heroshi. Being forced into a last name is neat in a number of ways and kind of an annoyance in others.
My character is a Male Hyur Midlander. I'm just looking for recommendations / help on coming up with something that sounds nice as a last name for Heroshi. I've tried English and Latin thus far but I'm.. quite sure an eastern sounding last name would be most fitting, though I'm not very creative. Also, after I've gotten into the game I'll poke back for some other help. (Though after this post is created, I'm off to bed, but I'll be checking/replying in the morning!)
Thank you guys though! Looking forward to any replies in the morning.
For starters... I need a last name, badly, I can't even play without it. And I also apologize if this is the wrong board to ask for help on these kinds of things.
Now, on all games I've rped on, I've typically gone by one name and one name only, just Heroshi. Being forced into a last name is neat in a number of ways and kind of an annoyance in others.
My character is a Male Hyur Midlander. I'm just looking for recommendations / help on coming up with something that sounds nice as a last name for Heroshi. I've tried English and Latin thus far but I'm.. quite sure an eastern sounding last name would be most fitting, though I'm not very creative. Also, after I've gotten into the game I'll poke back for some other help. (Though after this post is created, I'm off to bed, but I'll be checking/replying in the morning!)
Thank you guys though! Looking forward to any replies in the morning.