Hello! As the title, and the location I'm posting this in should (Hopefully) imply, I'm a newbie RPer. So let's just jump right in to the finer details!
-MMORPG background
I've been playing MMORPG's for almost as long as I can remember. I believe my first was the (Unfortunately now defunct) trickster online, but I've tried almost every MMORPG under the sun by now.
-RP experience
I've got a few months worth of experience RPing (On a forum). I have almost no experience regarding ingame RP, however, which is something I want to remedy.
-Character Ideas
Currently, I have the basic concept as well as a few finer details (Which I won't say right now, to stop this post getting unneeded clutter). My character is an impulsive scholar, currently studying ancient Maritime battle tactics. (This might have something to do with the fact she's a raised Lominsan.) She has an almost unnatural talent for speaking before thinking, though, if she notices something she considers interesting. She can make frankly insulting observations without realizing it.
-How did you learn about the coalition?
I first learnt about it, funnily enough, from the SE forums. Specifically, there was a thread asking about the best servers for RP, and the rest, as they say, is history.
-What kind of RPer are you aiming to be? (Light, medium, or heavy?)
I would like to be a medium RPer, with leanings towards heavy. I try to make my character as lore-consistent as possible, and I enjoy having consistent characters that slowly develop over time.
Er, that's everything I can think of. So, nice to meet you!Â
-MMORPG background
I've been playing MMORPG's for almost as long as I can remember. I believe my first was the (Unfortunately now defunct) trickster online, but I've tried almost every MMORPG under the sun by now.
-RP experience
I've got a few months worth of experience RPing (On a forum). I have almost no experience regarding ingame RP, however, which is something I want to remedy.
-Character Ideas
Currently, I have the basic concept as well as a few finer details (Which I won't say right now, to stop this post getting unneeded clutter). My character is an impulsive scholar, currently studying ancient Maritime battle tactics. (This might have something to do with the fact she's a raised Lominsan.) She has an almost unnatural talent for speaking before thinking, though, if she notices something she considers interesting. She can make frankly insulting observations without realizing it.
-How did you learn about the coalition?
I first learnt about it, funnily enough, from the SE forums. Specifically, there was a thread asking about the best servers for RP, and the rest, as they say, is history.
-What kind of RPer are you aiming to be? (Light, medium, or heavy?)
I would like to be a medium RPer, with leanings towards heavy. I try to make my character as lore-consistent as possible, and I enjoy having consistent characters that slowly develop over time.
Er, that's everything I can think of. So, nice to meet you!Â