Hey all! I've been playing FFXIV 2.0 for a while now and am just now breaking into the RP scene after migrating over from Guild Wars 2. I've been fairly happy with the pick-up RP I've come across so far, but I'm really struggling with finding a central area for free company recruitment and gauging true activity.
This site seems to fluctuate with activity, as all RP sites do when their members have lives, but I was curious as to whether or not anyone uses supplemental sites to find RP, like tumblr or the Lodestone?
GW2 RP had a really robust hub on Enjin that I looooved, since players got their own comprehensive profiles and it was incredibly simple to connect everything to your guild's enjin page. Is there a contingency over there with a hub like that for FF?Â
Tl;dr, I love FF, I want to establish a free company but am worried it'll be a struggle do to the spread-out nature of the community & ilu enjin.
This site seems to fluctuate with activity, as all RP sites do when their members have lives, but I was curious as to whether or not anyone uses supplemental sites to find RP, like tumblr or the Lodestone?
GW2 RP had a really robust hub on Enjin that I looooved, since players got their own comprehensive profiles and it was incredibly simple to connect everything to your guild's enjin page. Is there a contingency over there with a hub like that for FF?Â
Tl;dr, I love FF, I want to establish a free company but am worried it'll be a struggle do to the spread-out nature of the community & ilu enjin.
Hilven Morrow - Faerie
N'fenya Rhun - Balmung