I. Basic Info
- Characters: Tarras Jensyn
- Primary character: See above
- Linkshells: Driftwood Coast
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
Medium to heavy. I'm definitely not the type to be IC 24/7, but RP is a bigger focus to me than the ol' Duty Finder. I played GW2 pretty much just for the RP.
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
Combat is fun stuff when pulled off right. I don't believe in killing off characters though unless OOC'ly, you decided that you're done for good with RPing that particular character. Godmodding and metagaming are no-nos, naturally. While the more detail, usually the better, drawn out fights can get pretty tiresome. I try to go for concise fights when I get into RP combat situations. With injuries, I usually go with the flow of the fight unless someone is wanting to chop off my arm or something.
- Views on IC romance:
Romance...I'm not against it. I've had bad experience with it in the past though. As long as it happens naturally and ties into the respective characters' stories, then it's fine.
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
Family RP is awesome! In GW2, I played a pair of sisters, but I always wished that I had an actual player to RP one of them so that they both could be out at the same time. While I originally envisioned Tarras as an only child who also really doesn't have any familial ties, I would be open to giving her a family if someone really wanted to do that with me.
- Views on lore:
I try to stay in line with the lore as much as possible. It is the one common ground that I feel RP communities should share so that the stories can consistent with one another and make the community that much more connected. Otherwise, you get a guy saying he just teleported from Vana'diel to save the world. Slight alterations to lore are alright though.
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
Most of my RP happens in /say or through /em. In /tell, I put quotations around whatever I say whenever I'm RPing. No quotations means I'm OOC'ly whispering you. Linkshells I see as the cell phones of Eorzea more or less.
- Country:USA
- Timezone:Central
- Contact info: Here or in Eorzea!