Hello and good evening, people of Hydaelyn RP forums! Or maybe morning for you, or afternoon. Either way. Just wanted to say hello to all you people out there! *Waves*
Lemme give you a quick rundown of myself:
I'm from the Sunshine state. Where Oranges are everywhere.
I'm in my twenty's.
I'm retarded in some way's.Â
I'm a genius in some way's.
I don't have a inflated opinion of myself...
...Okay, maybe I do.
Been RP'ing for over 9 year's now, coming from a LARP'ing background, based on D&D. Have been all over the gaming world, and looking forward to spending time with all y'all, as much as I can on FF! Notable games I've RP'd in are: LoTRo, TERA, NWN/Baldurs Gate MOD.0, SWTOR, Rift and Ultima Online.Â
If any of you recognize me, don't say anything. Shush. No word's are needed. Just smack me on the head with something-and I will know who you are.
If you don't recognize my psychosis-errrr, writing habit's-please feel free to say hello and stuff. So I can say hello to you and stuff. Maybe be your friend and stuff.
Lemme give you a quick rundown of myself:
I'm from the Sunshine state. Where Oranges are everywhere.
I'm in my twenty's.
I'm retarded in some way's.Â
I'm a genius in some way's.
I don't have a inflated opinion of myself...
...Okay, maybe I do.
Been RP'ing for over 9 year's now, coming from a LARP'ing background, based on D&D. Have been all over the gaming world, and looking forward to spending time with all y'all, as much as I can on FF! Notable games I've RP'd in are: LoTRo, TERA, NWN/Baldurs Gate MOD.0, SWTOR, Rift and Ultima Online.Â
If any of you recognize me, don't say anything. Shush. No word's are needed. Just smack me on the head with something-and I will know who you are.
If you don't recognize my psychosis-errrr, writing habit's-please feel free to say hello and stuff. So I can say hello to you and stuff. Maybe be your friend and stuff.
"Running is a good option." -