Player Information:
I. Basic InfoÂ
II. RP StyleÂ
III. Other InfoÂ
I. Basic InfoÂ
- Characters:Nico Pahrafel
- Primary character:Same as above
- Linkshells:None at the Moment, though looking!
- Primary RP linkshell:Same as Above!
II. RP StyleÂ
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
- All three depends on the group I'm around at the time, but if I had to choose one I would say medium. Though going Heavy or Light is easy, I'm very flexible.
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
- I'm not a fan of RP combat myself, so much so that it's a part of my character to avoid physical altercation when possible. even if it means looking like a coward and running.
- Views on IC romance:
- It's not something I seek out, but if it happens it happens. All good stories have romance in it at some point.
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
- These can be a blast, I prefer to have a tight knit group of friends like a troupe for my characters, but they take time and patience to build.Â
- Views on lore:
- Lore is good, everyone should know at least a tiny bit.
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
- I like them, I love that this game has a communication system for long distance RP, but RP in Party or Say are still my favorites.
III. Other InfoÂ
- Country:United States
- Timezone:Eastern Standard Time
- Contact info:In game @ Nico Pahrafel or Private message on this page.
~Special announcements can be found in the posts below~
Playing some character, maybe on Balmung, maybe not.
(Or am I hiding in the shadow next to you, maybe even posing as your best friend?)
(Or am I hiding in the shadow next to you, maybe even posing as your best friend?)