It took him a while to realize that Kage had taken his words literally. Perhaps he wasn't quite as fluent in the Eorzean language as he thought. "I never said it was a gift to you", he managed to say. Owning up to at least having a part in the whole transformation, the man calmly said "Of course I had something to do with it though."
Any moment now. Perhaps even in just a bell or two, Kage was surely going to snap. How could he not? The Unnamed Mercenary just had to hold on a little longer. "We've all lost people, boy. At least /you/ can remember them!" His tone took on a form that was almost sad, regretful. Kage would probably be too enraged to really judge anyways. It was better that way. At least, that's how the man had decided things should be. It all made sense somewhere.
It was at that moment he spied his mask on the ground. "Huh. Wonder when that came off..." He wondered for a moment what the ramifications of his recent actions would be, then went back to the more pressing matters, like Kage.
Any moment now. Perhaps even in just a bell or two, Kage was surely going to snap. How could he not? The Unnamed Mercenary just had to hold on a little longer. "We've all lost people, boy. At least /you/ can remember them!" His tone took on a form that was almost sad, regretful. Kage would probably be too enraged to really judge anyways. It was better that way. At least, that's how the man had decided things should be. It all made sense somewhere.
It was at that moment he spied his mask on the ground. "Huh. Wonder when that came off..." He wondered for a moment what the ramifications of his recent actions would be, then went back to the more pressing matters, like Kage.