(10-20-2014, 12:44 PM)Dogberry Wrote: Crap, I wish I knew about this sooner. I volunteered to pick up a Saturday shift at work. I was thinking how cool it would be to stream a playthrough of Wolfenstein: The New Order and maybe some COD2 if there's time left. I've been on a World War 2 kick ever since I realized I can watch Band of Brothers ANY TIME I WANT* now.
*This is actually all the time.
We try to keep things to an older cant (name of the channel/stream is Retro Run afterall) but twenty four hours is a LOT of time. Like... a lot. We ended up breaking down last year and playing some of the Payday2 Halloween event on stream and some spooky multiplayer game in the dead of night. It's the late hours that are the hardest, especially since we're usually passing the 18 hour mark at that point.
I'm anxious to talk about it because it's so effing soon. I drive up there Friday after work to set up the Command Center (re: living room). It's soon. So soon!