(10-23-2014, 11:01 PM)Xheja Rajhera Wrote: Business Contacts: Xheja is an Ul'dahn merchant, first and foremost, specializing in high-class cosmetics and dyes. So any sort of business contact - fellow merchants, suppliers, competition, customers, etc. - would make for some good RP! Especially customers. I would love to get Xheja some non-NPC clientele, and maybe some custom orders.
I might be able to work out something with this. I considered dropping by when I saw you in the quicksand, but I'm not awake enough to form any proper RP atm xD I'll see about getting in touch with you later to shoot some ideas! Feel free to check Phae'ra on the wiki, its not quite done yet. But should give you an idea on what kind of person he is.