The recent days had been tense ones for Askier. His mind had been worn and frayed and he was growing more and more paranoid and stressed. He needed to sleep.
He entered the Red Wing HQ silently as the crickets chirped outside. The hour was early but the sun was still below the horizon. As Askier unlocked his door to his workshop, all he thought of was bed. Which is why he was both surprised and annoyed as he entered to see a lamp glowing and a blonde-haired figure hunched over his desk. Before the blonde miqo'te rested an open book, Askier's journal, beside which was another open book. The figure was scribbling wildly in the second tome and even as Askier slammed the door, the figure did not stop.
"What the hells are you doing?' Askier snarled and clenched his fists. The blonde figure looked up at Askier and smiled as he rose to his feet. Askier did not smile or relax as he recognized his half-brother, Jin'to Epinoch.
"Learning about you." Jin'to answered honestly, a polite smile one the priest's lips as he walked around the desk and stood before Askier. Jin'to took his board in his hand that had been leaning against the desk.
"By breaking and entering?" Askier spat, his teeth flashing. Both Garleans looked upon one another with their golden eyes, the color of their mother's hues.
"Like you would have let me in otherwise." Jin'to chuckled. "You're a dumb-ass, stubborn, old fool."
Askier's nostrils flared at the slight. He was too tired for this.
"Get out."Â Askier said coldly.
"Nope, not going to happen."Â Jin'to replied with a smile, his voice aggravatingly polite.
"Get out or I'll toss you out piece by piece."Â Askier warned.
"I might be afraid of that if you were worth being afraid off." Jin'to said straightening as he held the board in front of him, its tail edge resting on the floor. "But I don't fear children. Or men who act like them."
Askier howled in rage and surged forward, his fists balls of death, his eyes narrowed slits. Jin'to watched his brother's mad dash with amused disinterest as he he let the board fall from his hand. It slammed down on the ground. Jin'to then calmly nudged the board forward with his foot as he watched Askier, their eyes never leaving on anthers'. Askier's mad dash caused him to slam his foot down on the skidding board and he lost his balance, slamming down hard onto the metal floor of his workshop.
Askier tried to pick himself up but Jin'to was fast as quicksilver and Askier found his brother's booted heel pressing down on the back of his skull with an amazing amount of force. Askier growled and flailed but could not remove the boot as Jin'to spoke calmly.
"Now then, since I have your attention, I'm going to speak plainly-"
"Go to hell!" Askier raged. Jin'to sighed and pressed his boot harder and several of Askier's vertebra popped from the strain.Â
"I'm going to wait till you calm down and act like my older brother." Jin'to paused as Askier contiued to gnash his teeth. "Or is this as mature as you can act? Honestly, Ashwynn is too good for you. You get an amazing woman like that and you shrug her off for petty revenge. Twice." Jin'to looked at the back of his brother's head. "You're an idiot."
"I don't need your judgments!" Askier shook in frustration, unable to move as he took deep breaths.
"Maybe not, but you do need my intervention." Jin'to looked over at Askier's diary. "You are going to destroy yourself and leave Ashwynn all alone. She doesn't deserve that. For whatever reason, she is loyal to your fool ass and she deserves to be happy and I'll be damned if I let you ruin her and yourself any more." Jin'to's voice was hard as iron.
"Piss off." Askier hissed. Jin'to felt his lip twitch and the he looked up at the ceiling.
"Twelve grant me strength." the blonde haired Garlean sighed, shaking his head. "Askier, you are going to her, understand? You are dropping this nonsense and going."
"And if I don't?" Askier snorted. Jin'to pressed his boot down hard and Askier cried out in surprise and sudden pain at the aggressive nature his seemingly peaceful brother was displaying.
"Yeah, this really isn't up for debate." Jin'to said, his voice still polite. "Either you go see her and be with her or I'm going to say your funeral rites before Nald'thal right here, right now, before I crush your skull and save all the people who care about you the agony of watching you slowly kill yourself. I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for her so she can have closure, one way, or the other."
Askier flexed his metal hand, glaring at the floor as Jin'to leaned in, waiting for his brother's response, his leg muscles tensed and ready to crush.
He entered the Red Wing HQ silently as the crickets chirped outside. The hour was early but the sun was still below the horizon. As Askier unlocked his door to his workshop, all he thought of was bed. Which is why he was both surprised and annoyed as he entered to see a lamp glowing and a blonde-haired figure hunched over his desk. Before the blonde miqo'te rested an open book, Askier's journal, beside which was another open book. The figure was scribbling wildly in the second tome and even as Askier slammed the door, the figure did not stop.
"What the hells are you doing?' Askier snarled and clenched his fists. The blonde figure looked up at Askier and smiled as he rose to his feet. Askier did not smile or relax as he recognized his half-brother, Jin'to Epinoch.
"Learning about you." Jin'to answered honestly, a polite smile one the priest's lips as he walked around the desk and stood before Askier. Jin'to took his board in his hand that had been leaning against the desk.
"By breaking and entering?" Askier spat, his teeth flashing. Both Garleans looked upon one another with their golden eyes, the color of their mother's hues.
"Like you would have let me in otherwise." Jin'to chuckled. "You're a dumb-ass, stubborn, old fool."
Askier's nostrils flared at the slight. He was too tired for this.
"Get out."Â Askier said coldly.
"Nope, not going to happen."Â Jin'to replied with a smile, his voice aggravatingly polite.
"Get out or I'll toss you out piece by piece."Â Askier warned.
"I might be afraid of that if you were worth being afraid off." Jin'to said straightening as he held the board in front of him, its tail edge resting on the floor. "But I don't fear children. Or men who act like them."
Askier howled in rage and surged forward, his fists balls of death, his eyes narrowed slits. Jin'to watched his brother's mad dash with amused disinterest as he he let the board fall from his hand. It slammed down on the ground. Jin'to then calmly nudged the board forward with his foot as he watched Askier, their eyes never leaving on anthers'. Askier's mad dash caused him to slam his foot down on the skidding board and he lost his balance, slamming down hard onto the metal floor of his workshop.
Askier tried to pick himself up but Jin'to was fast as quicksilver and Askier found his brother's booted heel pressing down on the back of his skull with an amazing amount of force. Askier growled and flailed but could not remove the boot as Jin'to spoke calmly.
"Now then, since I have your attention, I'm going to speak plainly-"
"Go to hell!" Askier raged. Jin'to sighed and pressed his boot harder and several of Askier's vertebra popped from the strain.Â
"I'm going to wait till you calm down and act like my older brother." Jin'to paused as Askier contiued to gnash his teeth. "Or is this as mature as you can act? Honestly, Ashwynn is too good for you. You get an amazing woman like that and you shrug her off for petty revenge. Twice." Jin'to looked at the back of his brother's head. "You're an idiot."
"I don't need your judgments!" Askier shook in frustration, unable to move as he took deep breaths.
"Maybe not, but you do need my intervention." Jin'to looked over at Askier's diary. "You are going to destroy yourself and leave Ashwynn all alone. She doesn't deserve that. For whatever reason, she is loyal to your fool ass and she deserves to be happy and I'll be damned if I let you ruin her and yourself any more." Jin'to's voice was hard as iron.
"Piss off." Askier hissed. Jin'to felt his lip twitch and the he looked up at the ceiling.
"Twelve grant me strength." the blonde haired Garlean sighed, shaking his head. "Askier, you are going to her, understand? You are dropping this nonsense and going."
"And if I don't?" Askier snorted. Jin'to pressed his boot down hard and Askier cried out in surprise and sudden pain at the aggressive nature his seemingly peaceful brother was displaying.
"Yeah, this really isn't up for debate." Jin'to said, his voice still polite. "Either you go see her and be with her or I'm going to say your funeral rites before Nald'thal right here, right now, before I crush your skull and save all the people who care about you the agony of watching you slowly kill yourself. I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for her so she can have closure, one way, or the other."
Askier flexed his metal hand, glaring at the floor as Jin'to leaned in, waiting for his brother's response, his leg muscles tensed and ready to crush.