As a person who RPs a character that goes through bursts of aetherical instability, I think the ice-aspectedness is a nice touch. Looking forwards to see how it'll be incorporated into the new storyline.
Any ideas on what the traumatic event was. (don't need to say it here. I'd keep that as a nice development to explain to someone through RP or a journal post)
Otherwise....will there be something like a reintroduction post or scene in game? I don't think ever RPed in anything at the same time besides maybe grindstone a long while back.
Any ideas on what the traumatic event was. (don't need to say it here. I'd keep that as a nice development to explain to someone through RP or a journal post)
Otherwise....will there be something like a reintroduction post or scene in game? I don't think ever RPed in anything at the same time besides maybe grindstone a long while back.