(12-12-2014, 06:08 AM)Guy Tower Wrote: I don't have any information like that, only a question on my own. Actual robotics and AI seem to be a debatable matter in FFXIV, but what about prosthetics? Arms, legs, eyes, noses (...what?). Such possibilities, if they exist, may be good to know for a combatant adventurer.
Merri and I both RP characters with magitek limbs. In his case, he's an ex-Garlean engineer. In mine, Stormwind, a magitek engineer and allagan researcher worked with Rhianna, a bonafide doctor, worked together to create just the prototype. In both cases they were lengthy, largely experimental processes. There really isn't a clinic or anything like that where you'd go to get an arm or a leg fitted. In Dogberry's case, he happened to know the right people, and was willing to pay a price well beyond any monetary value to get them.
No Gods and Precious Few Heroes