(02-06-2015, 09:18 PM)Knight Kat Wrote: I agree Tiergan, the problem is, how do you recognize when someone is using RP to cause problems?
The reason I ask is because people can lie, and even lie to themselves. I once had someone ICly claim that a specific type of healing was impossible at a certain speed. Their character would not let go of the issue so hard that I went into FC chat, and kindly explained that players in the FC are allowed to determine how effective and how fast healing of injuries will be for their own characters.
I was not upset at the player, but I almost felt the player was trying to force their OOC opinion on healing magic through an IC scene. I said what I said just in case, and to prevent the whole debate about the effect and speed of healing magic from happening OOC (because we know what a can of worms that is). Well, that player got very upset and told me that the opinion is just "legit" for the character.
Fine, I took them at their word and dropped the matter. It's just, the scene was about a plan for an upcoming mission. It wasn't even supposed to be a talk about healing injuries. I know RP is unpredictable, and that is part of the point, but the character was being disruptive. Again, once the player told me it was just IC, I had no issue, and was never mad in the first place. But I did wonder how such a debate contributed to the scene. All it did was drag it out on an issue that would find no resolution.
EDIT: After a second read - I think perhaps the person you described IS mixing IC/OOC if they kept trying to enforce their views both IC and OOC about how you can't heal that fast while also getting angry at you IN REAL LIFE for your character disagreeing with theirs in the story.
If they instead responded with: "Hey, my character earnestly believes you can't heal that fast IC and is REALLY passionate about that belief - but OOC, everyone can do what they like." - that would be a different story.
The way you can tell if someone's using their RP to cause problems is their OOC mindset/actions combined with how they react to you when you politely try to sort things out through OOC communication.
If someone hates you as a player, they constantly have their character ICly harassing and hounding yours in a way that is extremely disruptive, and when you try to talk to them about it OOC to work things out, they are extremely rude, mocking, dismissive or hyperdefensive - there's a pretty good chance they're engaging in some IC/OOC trouble making.
If someone likes you as a player, but their character is a jerkface that is constantly harassing and hounding your character IC in a way that is extremely disruptive -- there is a very good chance that when you politely try to talk to this person about it OOC, they will immediately try to dial it back because they didn't realise they were making things hard for you. (At least, they will if they're not assholes anyway.)
Original Post:
I would argue that your scenario is more of a "Two people disagreeing over RP views/standards and one of them is potentially loves being in the spotlight a little too much" situation as opposed to the kind of IC/OOC blending that most people think of when they talk about folks blurring the lines between IC and OOC.
Two RPers could meet and begin RPing with each other only to discover that one of them staunchly believes that being a White Mage shatters the lore ...while the other person believes being a White Mage is totally fine. In fact, their character IS a White Mage! If they argue IC for an hour about whether or not that's possible - (which means they completely forgot the whole "COMMUNICATION!" thing being harped on about in this thread), before finally taking things OOC and arguing about their differing views there -- that doesn't necessarily mean IC/OOC blending so much as perhaps these two people are just not compatible when it comes to RPing with one another.
And that's totally fine. I am not compatible with RPing with folks with certain RP styles/beliefs - other people don't really find me compatible with their view of the lore. It just means we should probably go our separate ways and find people we *are* compatible with.