Jajara is kind of inadvertently named after a dragon of the same name from Legend of Mana. It happened to fit the Dunesfolk naming convention so it stuck!
Delial is named after a character from House of Leaves, a figure which ends up being the source of a great deal of pain and grief for some of the main characters. Blackstone, her true name, was meant as an allusion to the power of the thaumaturges she's descended from: that during their raids and conquests, the fire they could summon would char the very stone and earth black. Grimsong was chosen to sort of allude to herself as something of an omen, and to allude to the fact that most of the things she does tends to be somewhat grim or troubling in nature.
Delial is named after a character from House of Leaves, a figure which ends up being the source of a great deal of pain and grief for some of the main characters. Blackstone, her true name, was meant as an allusion to the power of the thaumaturges she's descended from: that during their raids and conquests, the fire they could summon would char the very stone and earth black. Grimsong was chosen to sort of allude to herself as something of an omen, and to allude to the fact that most of the things she does tends to be somewhat grim or troubling in nature.