(02-23-2015, 02:49 AM)Tiergan Wrote: I don't think a critique upon the community means those of us who have been here for a while are 'bad' or assholes. Â At the end of the day, there's nothing wrong in being told that newer folks are having a hard time and that some of us could do a little more to help make it easier for the newest members of the community to find RP and feel like they're part of the whole. Â Even if it's just small things like RPing with a new person every once in a while or stopping by the Quicksand or making events that are more oriented around helping folks get to know one another instead of something more scripted and theatrical.
Agreed. If anything, we as older members of the RPC should accept this idea with open ears rather than shunning it because WE'VE found RP just fine. I'm not necessarily saying anyone here has done this, but it's always good to look at something objectively and consider that it may very well be a possible issue.
I know my FC generally keeps their doors open to newcomers, but not all would know that and that still makes it feel very cliquish when the person has to go TO the house to find RP rather than just hanging out in the city. I'd like to see more RP out in the world, or down city streets or even in other cities rather than centering it around the Quicksand. You can certainly find it, but it's hard.