(03-20-2015, 11:52 AM)Warren Castille Wrote:
Alright, let me say this and then let us take it to PMs if you feel it necessary. I just want this to be clear. This is not a governing body, nothing global will be decided, there are no Watchmen. I remember the poison water, and I see where you are coming from, I was not a fan of that when it was admittedly some in my own FC who did that. We have been friends a long time in this game and I wanted to say there was no inflection or harshness meant. I will attempt to put your mind at ease.
The Summit should go something like this.....
First: Each FC delegation introduces themselves one at a time.
Second: The Speaker will pick delegations for 5 minute presentations (macros may help). Each FC big or small will have equal time or more due to parliamentary procedures.
Speaker: The Floor recognizes the Red Wings
Erik: (takes only 2 minutes) We are a rp fc. Our main story is that we are a covert action unit of the Immortal Flames. We are military in nature. Oh and we are currently looking for a company Doctor.
Speaker: You have three minutes.
Erik: We yield the remaining time to our friends at the Nightblades. (OR) We yield the remainder of our time.
Here we see you can either pass the extra time to people you know have more to explain who and what they are. Or you can just "eat" the extra time and move on.
Third: Intermission. As for "telling" people to plan airships, you misunderstand. I was suggesting that as an example of what you could do in the intermission. You could talk to people you haven't in a while. You can go Bio, Whatever you want, its an intermission.
Fourth: The Speaker does some nice closing remarks, and we're done.
I think the word "Summit" makes people think superpowers running the world. But its just a word. This is basically an in-person version of Making Connections, you are correct. And yes maybe that is unnecessary. But this will be far more fun/interesting then just skimming a forum.
No one is trying to run anyone. No one is in danger of being told what to do. But I'll tell you, people will have fun. They will bump into people they haven't seen in a bit. They will have an idea of who does what, so when they need a "xyz" for an rp they will know who to look for. Its purely networking. What is it Freelance has as a title? "Not the President of RP"? This isn't the congress of rp. Just some groups who would otherwise not interact getting together ooc for an hour or two to get to know eachother. Its a mixer people.