(03-20-2015, 10:47 AM)D Wrote: You know, T'caska, the real question is, why you no know D'eshel?Ha! Maybe he should find her and see what happens!
You should totally get to meet him! He'd be really interested in getting to know a dev-- a fun cat-girl like yourself!
(03-20-2015, 01:30 PM)Rila Wrote: I have trouble juggling my RP connections as it is, but then I saw this thread and I just couldn't resist. T'caska sounds adorable, and I can certainly envision her and I'rila getting along famously.Well thank you for one of the sweetest replies to my thread!
Feel free to hit me up on either I'rila Xanh or I'rhaane Jihro for some IC time of the friendly and lighthearted variety. Well, assuming our characters actually do get along. I think they will. But rivalry would be interesting to play too. Just - come talk to me, kk?
(03-20-2015, 01:34 PM)Vance Garan Wrote: Well I -would- rp with T'caska except she hates Vance! xD Okay, maybe he went overboard saying she was a witch and poisoned his drink, but hate?! Hit me up anytime. xDWe have RPd and it was... HEY GET OUT OF MY THREAD!
Really though, since I posted this thread here I have had a ton of invitations to RP, so many that Im starting to feel guilty for not being able to RP with everyone. So a tip for anyone considering themselves new to this amazing community - Just put yourself out there. Don't get discouraged (like I did) if you don't find much meaningful RP in game at first. Interact with people both OOC and IC, both in game and here and I promise that (unless your character wants to kill them) you will find some of the greatest RP you could ever come across.
One thing I've also started doing is just finding out where people I want to RP with are in the world and then going there, turn off running, walk past them with an emote or two, and then seeing what happens. If someone did that me then you better believe I would respond. I seem to keep saying it but I really feel like RP needs to be fluid and spontaneous for the most part. Planning is great when it comes to events and character development/background but if you just want to get some RP going - get into the grit of it and just do it!