Hey, hun! I had a member try to catch you yesterday but her computer spazzed out on her so I'll send you a message here and try to catch you if I see you on. We're a fun little RP FC with two RP branches, the inn and tavern and then the Tonberries, our merc group. We also have casual raid night on Tuesday where we do the weekly unholy trinity and enjoy the end game stuff. We're always open to help and run stuff with our members. Our website is tonberrytradingtroupe.enjin.com if you want to check us out. Our tag is <T3-RP> so feel free to walk up and RP with any of us and see if you've found a new FC or even just a new RP buddy.
Ereshkigal AtroposÂ
Adelina Lee
(Balmung Server)