Xavarian Mystrife: young, nocturnal duskwight scribe, binder and mender of tomes, seeker of knowledge (and artifacts), creepy ritualist, a giant nervous nerdmage, and complete goober. He's out in the world. It's exciting. And terrifying. He'll break out in rhyming, poetic metaphors if overly pleased or stressed, will gesture into eternity, write notes about you in his book, and will solve every riddle. Also eternally lost. Where is he? He doesn't know. Somebody help him.
Xavarian works at a bookstore, but wanders often and finds himself in All Sorts of (Aetherical) Messes (which he probably secretly enjoys). Since he is also a nervous wreck mess, he kind of fits in there well.
The mage likely has a secret drawer full of spriggan stuff too. You'll have to hear him out on that one.