(04-28-2015, 05:19 PM)OttoVann Wrote: What's wrong with battlefield or COD again?  If someone replies to me with "nothing" then I fail to see the problem of them doing well.  Tastes in gaming have changed, and what we enjoyed as young people are not what young people today enjoy.  I'm not sure if I see the issue, the market can't adhere to people our age (25+) forever since young people are where most game revenue is to be had.Factually untrue. In the 2014 Usage Date and Demographics made by the ESA, the average age of gamers is 31, with women over 18 making up over twice the gaming population of boys under 18. Most game revenue comes from adults, the majority over thirty. Source
There is nothing inherently wrong with Battlefield and CoD, the recent trend has just shown a decrease in quality for their respective franchises. We're reaching a level of saturation for the 'modern shooter' that hasn't been seen since the saturation the same genre had in the 'WW2' theater.