(04-29-2015, 03:22 AM)Qhora Bajihri Wrote: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JerkassPretty much this. I have zero fun playing 'nice guys', or even 'good guys' for that matter.
Ah, how I love them, hearts of gold or coal, any type will do. My nice guys never last.
Sure, they can be very adept at playing the part of 'good guy'... but I tend to play antagonists of any kind in a story, and even in the open world if I get an opportunity. Silver-tongued, stealthy and level-headed to bold-faced, fiery and diabolical. The former usually lives longer than the latter, though.
Also I cannot play females. I just can't do it. Tried it several times on several platforms and it just doesn't appeal to me.
As for physical looks, I have a thing for the monochomatic/greyscale and cooler colors like blue and purple. Like most people, I design my characters to, for the most part, be physically appealing, but not always in a conventional sense. I've had just as many 'sickly' looking males as I have bulky ones and just as many with gruesome, disfiguring scars (think teeth-constantly-exposed, perpetual snarl sorta scars) as I have ones with flawless skin. I tend to just 'design around' their physical flaws in ways I think make the bigger picture seem appealing.
I constantly abuse my characters, adore in-character drama and tend to draw more blanks when it comes to giving my characters strengths as opposed to weaknesses. I'm starting to see a pattern here, actually...