(05-09-2015, 06:05 AM)Blue Wrote: For Blue:
"Can't say I really remember you. There's just so many of you Miqo'tes..."
This has a little of OOC involved in the way it irritates me. It's just a comment that I don't find very natural and believable to be said. It'd be as if IRL someone told me they didn't remember me because there's just so many caucasians here in Italy. Who'd ever say that?
When I worked in retail, there was this rather pleasant elderly couple who would always ask me if I had a sister that worked at the electronics store, about a mile south from my location. Out of curiosity one day I took a trip there myself, only to find that we shared virtually no facial similarities besides skin tone, and maybe eye shape....maybe.
It's a thing, it does happen.
I'm pretty sure we've all heard
Quote:"All ______ Look the same to me"
at least one point in our lifetime