Sam glance over as he sees Doc Oak speaking quietly into his linkpearl. He turn to their group, murmuring a quiet, "I have to go." He nodded to the Doctor before turn his attention back to his 'Little brother'. He began to get a look of confusion when Warren started speaking. 'Eye,' he thought. What in the heck were they talking about and why did he feel that John was about to get in way over his head.
"I know," John said, hands clutching into fist. "Howl told me...some of what he and Lady Sei went through on the mountain." He look up at Warren, "I hate their master for what 'he' did to them...to all of them." He just hope that Howl was right and that Warren did kill him.
Warren was still doing research? He also seen that Howl or Sei had not run away from what was done to them. Yet they all reach out to him when he knew he didn't deserve it. Still if he left now, then he would hurt them...and himself.
Sam watch the emotion play across the miqo'te's face before it settle on a look of determination. He turn rolled his eyes as John stood up, only to kneel next to Warren. "Gods, you have to go Royalist?"
John ignore Sam, wanting to give proper and formal apologizes to Warren. He bow his head and place a hand over his heart, as he knelt next to Warren. "I have been both a Fool and a Coward, letting my curse blind me to the hands that have been held out to me in friendship. I do not know if I can truly make up for the concern and worry that I have brought on you and your own." He didn't dare look up at Warren's face, still afraid of what he might fine. "Let me try to make amends. I...I will inform Howl on why I fled from him the other day. What ever else that you might need of me, I will do so."
John could feel his heart pounding in his ears, sure that if the answer was 'No," to this question, his heart would shatter. "If these terms are acceptable, then all I ask is that I may continue as one of your healers at the Grindstone?"
"I know," John said, hands clutching into fist. "Howl told me...some of what he and Lady Sei went through on the mountain." He look up at Warren, "I hate their master for what 'he' did to them...to all of them." He just hope that Howl was right and that Warren did kill him.
Warren was still doing research? He also seen that Howl or Sei had not run away from what was done to them. Yet they all reach out to him when he knew he didn't deserve it. Still if he left now, then he would hurt them...and himself.
Sam watch the emotion play across the miqo'te's face before it settle on a look of determination. He turn rolled his eyes as John stood up, only to kneel next to Warren. "Gods, you have to go Royalist?"
John ignore Sam, wanting to give proper and formal apologizes to Warren. He bow his head and place a hand over his heart, as he knelt next to Warren. "I have been both a Fool and a Coward, letting my curse blind me to the hands that have been held out to me in friendship. I do not know if I can truly make up for the concern and worry that I have brought on you and your own." He didn't dare look up at Warren's face, still afraid of what he might fine. "Let me try to make amends. I...I will inform Howl on why I fled from him the other day. What ever else that you might need of me, I will do so."
John could feel his heart pounding in his ears, sure that if the answer was 'No," to this question, his heart would shatter. "If these terms are acceptable, then all I ask is that I may continue as one of your healers at the Grindstone?"
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn's Page
John Waterstrike's Page
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