Business, and... business mostly. One is an Ul'dahn merchant who lives in Limsa but still makes regular trips back and forth for trade. Now and again she'll deviate and make the trek up to the Sanctum of the Twelve because she's a good and pious little popoto, but it's mostly due to business.
The other is an informant who goes where ever the rumors and the gil goes. People pay her to be places so she makes it her business to be in those places. Hasn't gone back to Ala Mhigo due to Problems Being Made Her Problems, and a very foreboding feeling that she wouldn't have anything to really go home to anyways. Being practically homeless helps with staying mobile.
The other is an informant who goes where ever the rumors and the gil goes. People pay her to be places so she makes it her business to be in those places. Hasn't gone back to Ala Mhigo due to Problems Being Made Her Problems, and a very foreboding feeling that she wouldn't have anything to really go home to anyways. Being practically homeless helps with staying mobile.