Ello! Welcome to the server! Nebbs and I are only the first of a giant horde of players who are likely to greet you. Rinhi has recently started an adventuring group that might perk your interest. We take on "missions" from the leve board that involve running dungeons(using a different name), chasing down hunts, chasing villains, and general day to day things. We are shooting for the "adventure" feel of taking on a job, completing it, and then spending time together. While we have a FC, we also have a LS in general for IC communications so those who have guilds can still participate. We're small, but it this sounds interesting to you give us a PM. Either way, would love to harass you on Rini. Good Luck!
" There's a skinny girl inside me crying to get out...But I can usually shut her up with cookies" - Rini