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Bahamut LoreTiamat, one of Midgardsormr's first brood (one of seven that he brought to this star) and mate to Bahamut, brought tons of children into Hydaelyn from Meracydia. The Allagans came and captured her and slaughtered her children in droves. Ascian's then found her after killing Bahamut originally.
The Ascian's then resurrected Bahamut and taught the Allag how to seal him within Dalamud.
"The beings thy kind call gods are but specters of thy mind's creation, given form at great cost to Hydaelyn."
The Ascian's then resurrected Bahamut and taught the Allag how to seal him within Dalamud.
"The beings thy kind call gods are but specters of thy mind's creation, given form at great cost to Hydaelyn."